Chapter 14 - Fall

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War POV:

My feet were sliding on ice smoothly.



I was taking careful steps on the ice rink.

Yin thought it would be a good idea for me to find a new and active hobby, so he persuaded me to go with him and the ice skating club this Wednesday.

Turns out, the club was gathering once a week to go out off the campus with transit to a big ice rink. Our university's hockey team was practicing on the 2/3 of the rink while the other people skates freely on the rest of it.

While I appreciated his efforts for trying to get me out of my room, I partially resented that he didn't mention he was in fact on the hockey team.

He tried to show me how to skate for a while and he was checking up on me on their breaks but still I was alone.

Thankfully, I met with this cute guy who offered to help me out of nowhere.  I was so grateful. You could easily tell that he was a very social person as he knew most of the people and he was helping the newcomers.

I was slightly jealous as I wished I could be more like him. Maybe in time.

Yin approached me on the rink with his uniform and sweaty hair. Dashing.

"How is everything going? Are you bored?"

"No, I'm fine. Just trying not to fall."

"It's okay even if you do. Everybody falls."

I looked around.

"Yeah. I can see that."

"You can ask Gun if you want help. He is a good guy."

"Oh, he already helped me."

Yin turned to look at his team.

"War, come meet my friends."

I looked at the place he was pointing at.

"It's too far! It would take me 15 minutes to get there!"

Yin chuckled and made a signal to his friends for them to come at us.

"Thank you."

"It's fine. Once you get the hang of it, you're gonna have fun, I promise."

"I hope so."

Two guys in the same uniform as Yin came near. They were both tall.

Why is everybody taller than me?

One of them said "wow. He is as beautiful as you described him Yin."


Yin chuckled nervously and put his hand on his friends shoulder, squeezing it.

"War, this is Earth. The friend who called me in tears on Sunday because he got dumped."

Oh. Earth. Different guy.


Why would you give me a name of a guy I didn't know on the phone???

"Hey! I wasn't dumped. It was mutual."

"Sure thing buddy."

They forgot my presence for the moment but it was fun to watch them bicker.

I was about to dwell on the thought of Yin actually described me as beautiful but his other friend extended his hand to me.

"Hi. I'm Off."

"Hello Off."

"Is it first time skating?"

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