Chapter 4 - Dinner

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War POV:

Sarawat and I got seated in a restaurant.

I was uncomfortable because of my outfit. It wasn't a fancy place but still I wouldn't go in there like this on any other day.

This vacation was so spur of the moment thing for me. One minute I was having a heated argument with my mother, next thing I was packing my things in a small luggage.

That's why, I didn't even have pants. All I had was one pair of shorts that were kinda looked okay for a night at the city.

I was kind of irritated because Sarawat ensured me we would have a street food beforehand and it all changed when we saw this place while walking.

He insisted nobody would care how I look, that we were tourists and these kinda places were used to people like us who came from the beach resorts anyways.

That I shouldn't care how I looked.

But I did.

The restaurant looked packed from the outside and I hoped to God we wouldn't be able to find a place, and it would be the case if I actually wanted to eat here, but of course we were seated in a very exposed table in the crowd, five minutes later.

There was this movie that I liked when I was going to the middle school. Just My Luck.

It was a romantic comedy. However, I didn't watch it for the romance, I liked the portrait of how being so unlucky and lucky can change your life. How some things are really out of our control.

I guess I liked the small ensuring feeling that says "if you are not at the place you wanted to be on life, maybe it is not completely your fault."

As a child who were living in a household that was filled with fights, tantrums and chaos, I grew up believing that if somebody died at the Antarctic Ocean, it was somehow my fault.

So yeah... I really liked, actually I still do, the concepts of things like; fate, luck, coincidence etc.

As I was sitting in the restaurant though, I had one thought. I felt like the unlucky guy from Just My Luck.

I was so uncomfortable in my own skin that I couldn't pay attention to ambiance, to the menu and to the person sitting across from me.

''What did you pick?''


''War, are you okay? Didn't you look at the menu?'' 

No, I am not okay! I am here against my will! 

Okay brain. That's extreme, even for you.

''I am okay. Uhm. I am kinda indecisive. What are you gonna get?''

''I'll get this pizza. How about we share?''

''Well... Okay.''

I am not that great with processed meat but... okay.

Thankfully, our waiter had soft smile on her face that I kinda relaxed after we placed our order. 

After she left, my social concerns left it's place to my dating concerns when there was nothing to do but wait for the food on our table. Sarawat seemed more and more nervous as the time passed. We were looking at each other from time to time but neither of us knew how to break the silence. 

My high school friend Win always said that I should experience dating. I just assumed it would be okay when I liked someone. As I was looking at my fingers, to my phone and to other people in the restaurant, I understood where he was coming from. I had no idea how to make small talk or what to ask to get to know somebody better. 

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