Chapter 1

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Renet smiled at her new turtle friends. Thanks for helping me. She said. No problem! Mikey shouted happily. Right, Leo? He asked, hopefully. Leo nodded. Yes. We're just doing our job. He said with a curt nod.

I should send you guys home now. Renet said softly. You'll come visit us, right? Mikey asked hopefully. Renet nodded. Of course. I could never forget you guys. Especially you, Mikey. Renet said, a small blush on her face. Mikey smiled wide. Awesome. He said.

Are you guys ready to go home? Renet asked. Yes! Please. I need a break. Raph said. Okay, hold still. Renet said, pointing the time scepter at the turtles. Safe travels! She called as she blasted them through time.

The turtles were used to being blasted through time by now and simply braced for impact. With a loud thud, all four landed on a rooftop in New York City.

I'm glad we never have to do that again. Raph said, picking himself up. Donnie gave a slight groan of annoyance and pain as he stood. I'm with Raph on this one. He said, stretching. Aw, come on, guys, it's not that bad! Mikey said. Leo smiled to himself as he watched his team argue with each other.

I'm just glad we're home. Leo said, earning nods of agreement from his brothers.

A new voice nearby caused the brothers to stop. Come on, Irillia, we already checked over here. The voice whined. We're checking again, Alex. I don't want to mess this up. Another voice snapped.

A bunch of teenagers jumped over onto the roof that the turtles were on. Everyone stopped for a moment before getting into defensive positions.

More mutants, I thought I collected the last of the mutagen. Donnie mumbled to himself.

Irillia? One of the girls asked, her baby blue eyes filled with curiosity.

The mutant who stood in front of the others looked at the turtles with a sharp gaze as if determining if they were a threat. She held up a hand to the mutant who had called her name, a silent gesture to stand down.

Who are you? She demanded. Raph growled, not liking the annoying confidence this girl seemed to have. Leo shot him a look before turning to her with a friendly smile. My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo. Leo said, introducing the four of them. The girl narrowed her eyes, a frown on her face.

She turned to a boy wearing teal. Remy, what do you think? She asked. The boy looked them up and down. I think they are telling the truth. At least, they think they are. He said with a shrug. The girl lost some of her hostility.

I'm Irillia. She said, her tone suddenly softer and filled with respect. These are my cousins. Remy and Rena, Gabbie, and Alex and Angel. Irillia said, introducing her teammates.

Omg, are they really them?! Angel gushed. This is so cool! She enthused. Angel, let's take a small breather. Rena suggested with a small smile. Angel nodded, calming down some.

How is this even possible? Gabbie asked, walking forward.

Uh Leo, what is happening right now? Raph asked. I don't know. Leo said. Donnie? He asked. Don't look at me! I've never seen these mutants in my entire life. Donnie said. Bro, they seem friendly. You should relax a bit. Mikey said, flashing a smile.

How did you guys even get here? Gabbie asked, still inspecting them. Oh! Our super pretty friend, Renet, sent us here with her time scepter. She's a time traveler. Mikey bragged, a proud smile on his face. That makes more sense. Gabbie said. Alex and Angel looked at Mikey with a weird fascination.

Alex! Angel! Do either of you remember anything about time travel? Gabbie asked. I do! Mom taught me everything! Angel shouted happily. Did she ever mention what to do if someone was sent to the wrong time and didn't have a time scepter? Gabbie asked. Angel pouted. No. She said. Why? She asked. Gabbie groaned. She opened her arms and gestured to the turtles. My guess is that these four would like to get home. You want to exist, don't you? Gabbie asked, her frustration evident.

Wait, you think we were sent to the wrong time? Donnie asked. Gabbie nodded. Yep. She said. What makes you say that? This looks like our time. Donnie said. How old are you? Gabbie asked. Fifteen, why? Donnie asked. Fifteen! The teens shouted. You're our age? Alex asked, obviously having trouble processing this. Donnie nodded slowly. Yeah. I guess. Is that a problem? He asked. Gabbie opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. You guys are definitely in the wrong time. Irillia said confidently.

Leo frowned. Something isn't right. He said after a moment. They know something. He added.

The turtles straightened out suddenly, pulling out their weapons. The unknown mutant teens froze.

I knew it! Raph shouted. What did I tell you, Leo? We should never trust strangers. He said. Not now, Raph. Leo said.

Okay, so you're going to tell us what you know. Leo said, talking to the teens.

Uh, Irillia? Rena asked. I know. Irillia said, shifting uncomfortably. Should we tell them? Angel asked. Absolutely not! Gabbie shouted. Come on, Gabbie, it will be fun! Alex said, throwing his arm around her shoulder. If your idea of fun is the collapse of time itself, then yeah, maybe it will be fun. Gabbie said, crossing her arms. That's a risk? Irillia shrieked. Gabbie nodded.

Um, sorry, what? Donnie asked, stepping forward and lowering his weapon. He examined them carefully. We know you. Donnie said, suddenly shocking everyone. The teens froze and seemed to smile nervously or turn pale.

What? Don, is your head on right, bro? Mikey asked. I swear on Ice Cream Kitty, I have never seen these mutants before in my life. He said. We don't know them yet. We know them on this timeline somehow. Donnie explained. They can't tell us because time would collapse, and the only way that can happen is if they know us. Donnie added. So they're not a threat? Leo asked. No. Actually, I would assume that if they are trying to protect time and know us on this timeline, they are probably allies. Donnie said confidently. Is this true? Leo asked, turning to face the teens. They nodded quickly.

Leo lowered his weapons, and the others followed suit. My apologies. Leo said, bowing slightly to the teens. Rena and Remy gasped in what seemed like shock and horror. Irillia glared at them, a silent warning of some kind. She then smiled and bowed back. We are humble enough to accept your apology. She said. We would be honored to help you get back to your timeline. She added, standing back up at the same time as Leo.

Dudes, they know Japanese customs! Mikey shouted. Raph harshly elbowed him in the side, and Mikey pouted, rubbing his arm. I was just saying. Mikey mumbled.

A ringing came from the teens pockets, and they all pulled out a version of the t-phone.

It's Ness. Gabbie said, swiping right to answer and putting it on speaker for the whole group. Where are you? You were supposed to be back thirty minutes ago. The person on the other end of the phone asked, sounding worried. Relax, Venessa. We're fine. We just ran into a little issue. Gabbie said. Is Irillia there? The caller asked. You're on speaker, and yeah, she's here. Gabbie said. Hey cus, what can I do for you? Irillia asked. Come home. Bring the others. Dad would kill me if something happened to you guys on my watch. The caller explained. Uh, Ness? We can't exactly come home right now. Gabbie said. What? Why not? You know what? I don't care. It's my butt on the line, so just get home. The caller said before hanging up.

What do we do? Angel asked worriedly. We go home. Irillia said. What?! What about them?! Gabbie shouted, gesturing to the turtles. They can come with us. Irillia said. Absolutely not! Them just being in the same vicinity as us is dangerous, but taking them home is suicide. They'll definitely put two and two together, and the timeline might collapse. Gabbie stressed.

We don't have a choice. Venessa will have my head if I don't get us home. Irillia said. I'm the leader, so it's my choice. She added. Gabbie groaned. Fine, but don't blame me when time collapses. She said. The teens started to walk off, and when the turtles didn't follow, Alex spun around.

Are you guys coming? He asked with a wide grin. Were we supposed to? Leo asked. Yeah. Duh. He said, smiling. Mikey happily walked over to the boy. Mikey?! The remaining turtles shouted. Come on, bros! Let's go on one more adventure! Mikey cheered. Before the others could protest, Mikey had jumped down with Alex.

Mikey! They shouted after him angrily. Without another thought, the remaining three turtles followed after their brother and the teens they had just met.

It looks like they really would be going on one last adventure.

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