Chapter 2

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Go ahead. Rena reassured, looking at the four turtle brothers. I'm sorry? Leo asked, shock covering his face. Oh! Don't worry! It doesn't smell that bad. Angel said. Gabbie rolled her eyes. They already know that Angel. She said, pinching her thumb and forefinger on the bridge of her nose.

What's wrong? Remy asked.

Do you live in the sewers? Donnie asked. Yes. Irillia said, answering before Remy could.

That's so cool! Mikey cheered. We live in the sewers, too! He added happily.

Raph glared at Mikey, obviously not liking the fact that he had just given away one of their secrets.

Leo seemed to have recovered from his shock, blinking slightly. He turned to Donnie, a look on his face that clearly said they needed to talk in private. Donnie nodded nervously to show Leo he understood.

Irillia narrowed her eyes, noticing their silent interaction.

Come on, team. Start going down. Irillia said.

Wait, what? Alex asked, obviously confused. I thought da-. He started to say before Gabbie slapped a hand over his mouth. She smiled nervously, a small, akward laugh, leaving her lips upon noticing the stares of the turtle brothers.

Is everything okay? Raph asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes. Gabbie nodded quickly, a fake smile plastered on her face.

Alex. Gabbie. You first. Irillia said, practically shoving her cousins into the open manhole.

Ooh! Me next! Angel shouted. Irillia nodded. Angel cheered and practically bounced into the sewers below.

Remy? Irillia asked. The teal wearing boy nodded, slipping into the sewers after Angel.

Rena, will you hang back with them? Irillia asked, pointing at the turtles. Of course. Rena replied. Make sure they don't get off track or destroy the timeline. Irillia said. No problem. We'll follow you. Rena said. Irillia nodded before slipping into the sewers herself.

The turtles were staring at Rena as if she had two heads. Rena smiled. Come on. We wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting. She said, gesturing to the open manhole.

You heard her, team. Down, we go. Leo said.

One after another, the turtles followed Rena down into the sewers. Leo was the last one in, closing the manhole behind him.

So where exactly do you and your family live down here? Leo asked, choosing to stand next to Rena as they walked. You wish to know something I can not tell you. Rena said, surprising Leo.

Leo blinked, taken aback by her very wisely and composed choice of words. They sounded profound the way she spoke them, and Leo was immediately reminded of his father. Not wanting to show weakness in front of this stranger, he shook his head to clear it. Splinter's death was still very fresh for Leo, despite having happened months ago.

Something is bothering you. Rena said, surprising Leo yet again. It's nothing to worry about. Leo said, dismissing her claim to the best of his ability. Clearly, that is not true, but for the sake of your privacy, I won't press further. Rena said.

An akward silence covered the group. The only sounds coming from those up front who were happily racing each other like cousins do.

The silence remained until Irillia spoke. We're here. She said, causing the turtles to look around curiously and the others to worry anxiously.

The group walked into the entrance of the sewer home, the turtles following behind.

Gabbie was biting her lip, nervously glancing at the turtles every few seconds. Everyone else seemed right at home and comfortable. Luckily for Gabbie, their sewer home had changed enough that the turtles only seemed to be mildly aware that the place seemed firmillar.

Irillia turned to speak, but before she could get a word out, an older mutant girl, resembling Gabbie, came out to greet them.

What took you guys so long? The girl asked. She then paused, realizing the turtles were there. Her eyes widened like she had seen a ghost.

What the hell?! She demanded, glancing between the two teams of teens.

Venessa! Rena scolded, shocking Leo. Not only was Rena younger, but she didn't seem like the type to yell. Leo assumed he was correct by the shock that flashed across the older girl's face.

Sorry. I am an adult, and this is kind of messed up, but I shouldn't have cursed. Venessa apologized. Rena hummed, seemingly satisfied.

Okay. Someone needs to explain. Venessa said, putting her hands on her hips.

Leo stepped forward. Hello. My name is Leonardo. These are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo. He said, pointing at each brother as he introduced them. We were on our way home when this group found us. They claimed that we weren't in the right timeline, and I was inclined to believe them, considering my highly intelligent brother, Donatello, agreed with them. Leo explained. They offered to help us get back to our timeline and brought us here. He added, looking around. You have a lovely home, by the way. Leo added with a small smile. Venessa seemed to be shocked into silence. It's not her home. Gabbie said. It belongs to our father and his brothers. She added. Well, regardless, it's lovely. Leo said.

Irillia? Venessa asked, coming out of her shock. It's true. That's them. Irillia said, atomically knowing what her cousin would be trying to ask.

How old are they? Venessa asked. Fifteen. Irillia said. Venessa gasped, her hand flying over her mouth. Do they know? She asked. No. Irillia said. They can't! It will destroy time itself. Gabbie added, fearful that Venessa would say something.

What?! Venessa shouted.

Things escalated from there, the conversation becoming louder and more stress filled. Finally, Rena had enough.

Everybody, be quiet! Rena yelled.

The room went quiet almost instantly.

Calm down. Rena added. There is no need to panic. Time is safe for now, so let's just focus on keeping it that way. She said, earning nods from everyone.

What will I tell Dad? Venessa asked. Nothing. Irillia said. In fact, we can't tell any of our parents. She added.

What am I supposed to say when they call? Venessa asked. Whatever you want. Just don't mention them. Irillia said, pointing at the turtles.

Isn't that lying? Angel asked, tilting her head in confusion. It's for a good cause. Irillia defended.

Okay. They can stay, but we have to get them back to their timeline before our parents return, deal? Venessa asked, holding her hand out for Irillia. Deal. Irillia grinned, shaking her hand.

I'm Venessa. Venessa said, turning to face the turtles. You guys will be staying here until you return. She added.

We appreciate your hospitality. Leo said, bowing slightly. Venessa bit her lip before bowing back. You're welcome. She said, rising at the same time as Leo.

Aw yeah! Rooming with my new best friend! Mikey cheered, pulling Alex into a hug.

You want to be my friend? Alex asked. Shell, yeah, dude! Mikey cheered. Up top! He added, holding up his hand for a high-five. Alex looked like he might cry of happiness as he smacked hands with Mikey.

Let me know if you guys need anything. Venessa said.

Take care of them, Irillia. This is your responsibility. Venessa added, disappearing into another room.

That went well. Remy said. As well as it could've gone anyway. Gabbie said. Irillia sighed. I guess it's time to settle the living arrangements. She said, trying to hide her small smile as Mikey and Alex both gave her puppy dog eyes.

This should be interesting. Gabbie hummed.

Everyone was so sidetracked that they didn't notice Leo and Donnie had slipped away from the group. Oh, well. Hopefully, that's not terribly important.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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