Chapter 8

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Leo's POV

Four days. For four days Ivy has avoided my brother and I. We know she's alive - we've been watching her apartment - but she's ignored every call we've sent, sending us small, closed-off responses whenever we've texted her. While not ghosting us entirely, her tone has changed, seeming distant in a way that enrages me.

It's driving me crazy. What's worse is having to listen to my brother whine about the lack of attention our mate is giving him, deciding to instead annoy the fuck out of me. Nothing seemed out of the blue when we would visit, so what's with the radio silence?

Had we pushed her too far? Overwhelmed her?

Perhaps the combination of seeing us in person as well as the 'dreams' as she liked to call them was too much for her. To be honest, I'm not sure how much longer I could deny my feelings. It seemed that my self-control disappeared when it came to her and I know Owen is antsy to bring her here.

Maybe patience and distance weren't what she needed. Maybe we needed to push her. She didn't yet know that Owen and I were related, perhaps this could ease some of the tension I've been feeling from her all week. If she knew she didn't have to choose between us, would she come back?

I stand outside her door with a bouquet of sunflowers, trying to pluck up the confidence to knock. I realise with a shock that I don't think I could handle the rejection if she closed the door in my face again or pretended she wasn't home.

I take a deep breath, pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind and gently knock. Ivy opens the door and fuck is she breathtaking. I've been subtly following her everywhere, my clingy side needing to be close to her but I'd mostly seen the back of her head for the last few days. Now that she's stood in front of me I'm realising just how much I've missed her.

Four days is all it took for me to go insane without her eyes on me. If she makes me wait any longer I might die.


I give her a charming smile, pushing the flowers into her hands.

"Have you been trying to hide from me little one?"

She blushes, hiding her face behind her hair.

"No." She whispers, but her eyes tell a different story. She's stood in the gap from the door and her hesitance to let me in brings my anger to the forefront. I don't wait for her to invite me in, brushing past her and making myself at home. I plop down onto her sofa as she remains at the front door staring at me.

Eventually, her mind seems to kick in again and she closes the door gently, walking over to the kitchen island to place the flowers on the counter. She reaches into a nearby cupboard to pull out a vase, filling it with water and unravelling the bouquet's packaging so she can place the flowers neatly inside the vase.

Once she's finished I call her over.

"In front of me, there's a good girl."

My legs are spread on the sofa and I lean forward to drag her closer until she's stood between them. I forgot how soft her skin was and I grip harder, making her whimper softly. She's trembling slightly, but I can see desire in her eyes.

"You ignored me for four days."

"No, I, I.." Ivy's mouth opens and closes but nothing else comes out.

"Is there a reason you didn't answer my calls then?" I cock my brow. Leaning back against the sofa with my hands on my thighs. Her eyes drop to my lap, sucking in her bottom lip as I lift my hips slightly to readjust my position.

I click my fingers, forcing her eyes to meet mine again.

"No explanation?" She remains silent, fiddling with her fingers.

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