Chapter 20

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Ivy's POV

I'm pulled out of sleep by a tingling sensation between my thighs, pleasure pulsating through my body. I groan, trying to move away from the sensation but the feeling of being weighed down prevents me. I groan again, a spark of pleasure running up my spine and the feeling of something between my legs as my senses slowly come to. I peek open one eye, finding Owen knelt between my legs, each thigh thrown over his shoulder and held by his hands as he gave me slow licks from my entrance to clit.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

I let out a breathy moan in reply as he nipped my clit, tugging it between his lips. I could feel my juices leaking onto my thighs as he alternated from my clit to tongue fucking me. My back bowed off the bed, my thighs clenching around his face as I chased the high I was so close to. Just a little more...

A knock rings through the room, making me growl in frustration as Owen pulls his head from me. I push my hips up, a desperate plea for him to ignore the door and let me finish but he just smirks, wiping my wetness from his mouth as he makes his way towards the door.

I pull the blankets back over me as it opens, only to relax once Leo walks in. He eyes me warily and I fight back the urge to shrink into the sheets. Guilt floods me as I remember the worry etched onto his features yesterday and the lie that spilled so easily from my lips.

Now that I was fully awake and undistracted from Owen's tongue, the secret of what really happened yesterday and my new discovery settles on my shoulders heavily, making it difficult to look either of them in the eye.

"Was I interrupting something?" Leo looks between the two of us, noting the flush in my cheeks and Owen's mischievous grin.

"Nothing you can't join in on brother." Leo rolls his eyes but I notice them darken when he spots my pyjama bottoms laid on the ground. He flicks his gaze to my bare leg peeking out of the blanket, clenching his jaw before he returns his stare to his brother. My skin tingles from his examination, but I'm soon distracted by the serious look that takes over his features.

"We have some things to discuss." Leo says to Owen, motioning towards the door. "In my office."

"Can't it wait? I was just getting to the good part." Leo gives Owen a look that melts the teasing grin from his face.

"Everything okay?" I ask, noticing the shift in the air.

"Fine." Leo doesn't even look my way as he answers, which sends a small sliver of anxiety through me. Did he know? Did Isabella tell him what happened yesterday?

Owen gave me an apologetic look, walking over to me and softly tucking my hair behind my ear.

"We'll finish this later gorgeous. Try not to ache too much while I'm gone." I scoff, his lips pulling into a small smile as he brushes them against my forehead.

Leo's face remains blank as they walk out of the room, closing the door quietly. I fall back onto the bed, staring as the ceiling as unease begins to form a small pit in my stomach. I will myself to stop overthinking, but the worry remains.

Would they be angry that I kept it from them? Leo would hate the fact that I lied to his face, that's for sure. But Owen would be more forgiving, though the sadness in his eyes might be even worse than Leo's anger. I'm not sure I could cope with the idea of them both being disappointed in me.

I get up and run myself a bath, trying to shake the negative thoughts in my mind. It doesn't work and soon I start to worry that when they find out what I've been hiding from them, it'll end our story before it's even truly begun. After all, they brought me here, they could just as easily take me back to where I came from.

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