Chapter 40

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Ivy's POV

The next week passes by quickly. Leo and Owen keep their distance, both from Simon's prying eyes but also to help hide the signs of our mate completion. I've managed to conceal the changes in my scent using a masking spell similar to the one my parents cast to hide my magic but the moment I'm around them, the bond itches to come out.

Simon has been gushing to me about their obsession with getting me back, boasting about how easy it will be for me to gain control over them. I've let him believe I'm in his thrall, hanging onto his every word while I recite it all to Leo. Thankfully, Simon has been too interested in devising ways to take the realm from under them to torture me for more than a few minutes this week, giving me time to regain my strength so the colour returns to my cheeks. Instead, I've been hiding in my favourite room, scouring every spellbook I can to see if there are any more from my parents' lineage.

I spend my nights flicking through my mother's spellbook, my fingers gliding over her doodles and notes, memorising every word and closing my eyes trying to imagine her here with me, curled up on the windowsill as she writes.

Without the exhaustion lying heavy in my bones, I have a strong hold on my magic and I've even begun experimenting with the new powers gained from my mates. Owen keeps his mind surprisingly open, which means I spend each night rifling through it, giggling at the mischief he got up to in his younger years.

Hearing them in my head took a little getting used to but it gives me an extra layer of comfort being so far from them. Since completing the mate bond it's been a lot harder to be away from them, their magic trying to pull me towards them so they can be one again. Judging by how often they whine inside my head, I assume the feeling is mutual.

I walk down the corridor to return to my room after my lessons, nodding to those I pass by. I wouldn't say I'm like here, but the strength of my magic is respected amongst the coven, and Simon treating me a fraction more nicely than everyone else has made Erica back off for fear of reprimand.

"Miss Solace." A young boy no older than fourteen blocks my path.

"Elder Simon wants to see you." I nod and he scurries off back down the hallway to join his friends. I knew the peace I'd been feeling the past week would eventually fade, but I hold my head up and make my way to his office.

He's standing by the table filled with spell books, hunched over as he flicks through the pages. He doesn't bother standing as I walk in and take a seat, continuing to read as the room fills with silence. After a few minutes, he straightens walking around to the front of the table and leaning on it, crossing one leg over another.

"I have good news," he says, smoothing a hand down his tie. I raise my brow, tilting my head.

"You are to be returned to your lovers."

My eyes widen, my hands gripping the chair tightly.

"I'm," I swallow. "I'm going back?"

He nods, folding his arms over his chest. I'm too shocked to move, but the clearing of his throat snaps me out of it.

"Thank you."

He straightens, rounding his desk to take a seat.

"The council will keep an eye on you and likely require more investigation before they approve of the match, but it's a start."

"I appreciate it."

He nods again as his gaze trickles over me.

"You're leaving tonight. The Princes didn't want to wait a second longer. Make sure to let them know how grateful you are."

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