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Your POV
No matter how thick and muggy the air in LA is, stepping out of LA Children's Hospital always makes it feel like an ocean breeze in New England. Hospital air is thin and sterile, and after 12 hours it's impossible not to desire some fresh air, even if the only option is the thick, polluted air of LA.

I slowly walk up the stairs of the parking garage, my legs slightly sore, but not as bad as some other days. While I was feeling tired and exhausted, I knew what was waiting for me at home and that at least made me motivated to get there.

Every Friday, by the time I get home from work, my roommates and friends are already pre-gaming for the night's events. This typically means that the second I walk in the door I'm handed a beer on my way to the shower.

I tug open the door of my beat up black forester, as usual, praying it holds up a little while longer. It's a 2006, and it's now 18 years old. She's not running strong, but she's running. I toss my back pack and water bottle into the passenger seat before starting the car, relieved it turned over easily.

Since it's almost 8 pm, my car isn't as hot as it tends to get during the day. But once I sit down I can smell the hospital on my scrubs. Immediately rolling down my windows brings some relief to the all too familiar smell, as I head towards home. I call Jules, even though I wasn't sure if she would answer, it depends on how long they've already been pregaming.

When I eventually hear the voicemail, I groan and hang up, shooting a text in the group that I'm on the way home. Fortunately for me, at least Payton saw it and liked it, so somebody knew to expect me.

I turn up the radio, hoping for some background noise to get me prepared for the volume adjustment when I walk into the house. While the NICU is not quiet, it only gets loud during codes. Obviously, premies don't talk a lot but they can definitely make all the noise they want.

I did love my job, even though sometimes I'm concerned that I come across as ungrateful. Being able to give little ones the chance to grow and survive will warm anyone's heart, but it can sometimes cause mental breakdowns or sobbing sessions.

Typical LA traffic is causing a delay in my commute, and is making it almost impossible not to scream out the frustration I was feeling. I turn up my music, Spotify creating a day list that always has an embarrassing name. Today "Country Love Songs Cowboy Friday Evening" was ringing through the speakers of "Manatee Martha" as I tapped lightly on the steering wheel.

Finally pulling into my drive way allows me to relax my shoulders, knowing I have 3 full days of R&R before heading back to see my peanuts. I unbuckle, leaning my head back letting out a deep breath, attempting to gain some energy to match the party happening through my front door.

I grab my bag and water bottle, slamming the car door shut, hoping it was hard enough to close it this time. My keys jingle in my scrubs pocket as I approach the door, hoping it was no more than 10 people. In this house, you never know. It's not a bad thing, and once I shower I'll be ready to party, but these 5 minutes tend to be the hardest.

I turn the lock, opening the door to my living room seeing my roommates, a few close friends and boyfriends, as well as a blonde girl in the corner who caught my eye first. Of course I know who she is, we do follow each other and she's good friends with Jake and Jules, I just haven't had the pleasure of meeting her yet.

She was mid laugh when I walked in, and settles into a small smile as our eyes connect. I smile softly back, excited I finally get to meet her after hearing such great things. I'm hoping my friends have done me the honor of sharing some great things about me with her. I'm snapped away from her after as Payton stands up, causing everyone else to turn my way.

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