Chapter 6*

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Your POV
I'm awoken by the blonde next to me, groaning and reaching out for me. I feel her hand swat and hit me in the middle of my chest, and I can't help but let out a groan. I poke open my eyes to see Renee next to me, looking absolutely miserable.

The blonde was laying on her side facing me, dark bags under her eyes, slightly pale, and I immediately noticed she was clammy. She had one arm extended out, sitting on my stomach, the other tucked under the pillow.

"You okay?" I ask quietly, moving myself closer to her. I turn on my side so we are facing each other, only a few inches away. Her hand was now draped over my waist, the singer's eyes still shut tightly from the morning sunlight smacking her in the face. "Nae? You alive?" I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, Renee cracking one eye open at me, not looking pleased.

"Why would you let me drink so much?" She questions, pushing on my shoulder lightly so I'm laying on my back. She lays her head in the crook of my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist, and laying her leg over mine.

I can't help but laugh at the absurdity of the hungover girl, as she makes herself more than comfortable on my right side. I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arms around her loosely, settling into the soft fabric of the pristine sheets.

"I did not let you do anything. You were completely in charge of yourself," I mumble quietly, happy to have the older girl cuddled up to me. Renee hums softly in response, moving her hand to push up my shirt, settling on the skin of my ribs. "Do you want some water or something to eat?"

"No. Jake and Jules are coming around 2 to hang out by the pool and have a little cookout, I'll eat then," she says quietly, kissing the base of my neck softly. The sexual tension between Renee and I was becoming heavy, and impossible to ignore that this point. Especially after a night like yesterday, it was clear the tension was pouring out of both of us. "You're staying right?"

"Yeah, I'm happy to stay. I may run home to shower and grab a bathing suit," I say quietly, moving my hand down Renee's body, resting it lightly on her ass. "You were very vocal last night," I tease, Renee shifting slowly in my arms to move impossibly closer to me.

"Uh oh," she laughs, looking up at me with some embarrassment. She's about to continue, but my phone goes off, vibrating on the walnut bed side table next to me.

I reach over, trying not to move Renee off of me, seeing Jake is calling me. "Hey," I say softly.

"Are you coming home before we go to Nae's?" He asks, clearly stressed out about the unconfirmed plan.

"Yeah, I'm gonna come shower and grab a bathing suit and stuff. But Nae said I could come back here with you." Renee slides off of me, sitting up, and grabbing her own phone.

"Ok, we wanted to leave in like an hour, so we will see you soon," Jake hangs up the phone and I turn to see Renee sitting up against the headboard, scrolling through Instagram.

"I'll be back with Jake and Jules, but I wanna shower and get a change of clothes." I stand up from the bed, Renee turning and smiling softly at me. "What?"

"My clothes are short on you," she laughs, my stomach exposed, the waistband of my boxers poking out from the gray sweatpants. She crawls over to the edge of the bed and kneels in front of me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "You should bring a bag to spend the night again," she mumbles, looking down at my lips.

I capture her bottom lip in mine, the blonde humming softly as our lips move together in perfect sync. I wrap my arms around her waist, picking her up off the bed and placing her to stand in front of me. "While I'm gone you need to eat something and drink some water," I say sternly, the blonde rolling her eyes. "I'm serious, you're gonna be dehydrated and later, I want you to be in tip top shape," I smirk, the singer quirking an eyebrow at me.

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