Chapter 3

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Your POV

I tug open the driver side door of my lovely crap mobile, hoping Renee didn't laugh when she saw me pulling up in Martha. I did my best to keep the Subaru absolutely spotless, but 18 years and 2 owners later, nothing about the car was flawless.

I roll down all the windows, hoping the fresh air would help my anxious stomach settle down on my way to pick up the blonde. We had been texting back and forth for most of the day so far, just getting to know each other and flirting occasionally.

The singer definitely made me laugh, and I was hoping the date I had set up would bring a smile to her face. After the pottery studio, I made reservations at a restaurant that Jake said she loved. Not too far from the restaurant is a look out point over the city. In my trunk I had a blanket, pillows, and a cooler with champagne and dessert.

I could feel my hands starting to sweat as the distance on my GPS continued to drop. Renee only lived about 10 minutes from my place, but we were definitely in a nicer neighborhood. I pull up to the house, trying not to drop my jaw as I enter the driveway.

Before me was a massive modern house, white stucco exterior and black detailing all around. The simple but neat garden and yard certified the extensive money that was spent, as keeping plants and grass alive in LA was an expensive venture.

I take a deep breath, wiping my hands on my pants before getting out of the car. I grab the bouquet of roses from the back seat, and head towards the front door. I tried not to let my hand shake as I knocked on it lightly at first.

The door opens a few seconds later, and I see an unfamiliar face. She was way shorter than me, had big brown eyes and black braids cascading down her back. Her bright white teeth shined at me as she couldn't contain her huge smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong address," I say quickly, turning away from the door.

"No, no." I turn back around to see the girl has stepped out of the doorway and is gesturing me inside. "You're Y/n, right? I'm Aliyah, Renee's best friend," she explains, holding the door open with her hip. "I've heard a lot about you the past 48 hours," she laughs lightly. I smile back before entering the house, Aliyah following behind me closely. I spot the gorgeous blonde in the kitchen, her face in her phone as she takes a sip of what looks like some hard liquor on the rocks.

"Hey," I smile, Renee snapping her head up to me. Her face lights up with a smile as she stands to pull me in for a hug. I snake my arm around her waist as she wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me close.

"I'm so happy to see you," she says softly in my ear, placing a light kiss on my cheek. I immediately smell the familiar coconut and vanilla, happy to be this close to the singer once again.

As we pull away, I take the time to scan her body, the blonde wearing a color block wool sweater and light wash jeans with black boots. She has her hair pinned back in a clip, her bangs and small glasses framing her face. The slight heel of the boot made us closer to the same height, but I was still slightly taller, just the way I like it.

"I brought you these," I say, showing Renee the flowers. She goes to take them out of my hand but I pull back. "No, I'll put them in a vase. I didn't get them for you so you could do work,"I explain, Renee rolling her eyes.

"There's a vase under the sink." She points to the other side of the marble island, smirking at me as I walk over there. I had the florist cut the bottoms at an angle so I was able to just fill the glass with water and place them in the middle of the island. "I'm ready to roll," she smiles, reaching her hand out.

I grab her hand as we head towards the door, my heart beat immediately picking up speed. Renee says a quick goodbye to Aliyah before we go into the driveway. I pull open the passenger side door for the signer, as she plops into the beaten black leather seat. I slam it hard enough, causing a shock in the blonde's eyes as I get to other side of the car.

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