Chapter 12*

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Your POV
I drag my feet along the pale cream colored tile of the kitchen, mentally preparing for the party about to start in my house. Jake had invited over about 10-15 people, obviously Renee included.

She had texted me earlier today, once again sharing how excited she was to see me later. I tried not to read into the text too much, even though it said everything I had been begging to hear from my favorite singer in the past two months.

I had already downed a few shots and drinks, wanting some liquid courage to support me tonight. I didn't mean to be so nasty to Renee yesterday, but I was still so hurt that all my walls went back up out of fear of being torn down again.

Through the dark wooden door frame, I wandered into the living room, plopping on the sofa to wait for everyone to arrive. I had no game plan for today, or any idea of how I was going to interact with Renee. I didn't even know if I wanted her back in the first place, let alone if I did, how I was supposed to approach that and make it happen?

A cool breeze blew through the open windows, indicating a certain level of welcome for our future guests that I was not feeling. If I did have a plan at this point, it was just going to be to avoid the blonde girl I couldn't get my mind off of. I wanted her to have a good night celebrating with friends, and I didn't want our bullshit to come between that. 

Julia, Payton, and Jake come to join me in the living room, a moderate volume of casual music sounding through the speakers. I crack open a beer, taking a big swig, attempting to ease my anxiety about the night ahead.

The glass storm door creaks open behind me, all of us turning our heads to see 10 ish people pushing into our classic LA home. This being a majority of the party rolling in. I see Renee standing in the back of the group, and turn to look back in the general direction of the television, Spotify music cast across the front.

As people settle into the living room and kitchen, talking, and drinking, I am grateful for my space on the couch. I am able to chat with Julia, Will, and his buddy Liam that he brought along.

I can absolutely feel the drinks coursing through my brain as things feel funnier, the room feels warmer, and I almost forget Renee is even somewhere in the house. Jake walks into the living room with a group of 5 ish people behind him, all carrying shots.

In walks Renee, making quick eye contact with me before I look to Jake who is holding out a shot for me. "Thanks, man," I smile, taking it in my lap. The entire party has now congregated into the living room as Jake calls for everyone's attention.

The music is paused, attention is turned to Jake, and silence falls over the room. I flick my eyes back up to the singer, who is staring at me with the hooded eyes I recognize so well. I can feel a small throbbing between my legs as flashbacks of our prior sexual encounters flash through my mind as I hold eye contact with her.

My eyes leave hers as I trail them up and down her body, not being able to stop myself at all of her gorgeous self being out for me today. Renee was wearing baggy black jeans and a tight lace long sleeve shirt, her tits practically begging to be ripped out of the fabric. Jake's voice and the light tapping on his shot glass takes my attention away from her.

"As everyone knows, our baby Nae has just finished an incredible European tour!" The room cheers, Priscilla and Jake hugging Renee tightly in congrats. "Let's have some drinks tonight and celebrate this incredible accomplishment." Everyone raises their shot glasses up, mine clinking with Will and Liam, Julia now having walked away to congratulate Renee.

I toss the shot down my throat, immediately recognizing the incredibly horrible taste of tequila. I grimace as I place my shot glass on the solid wood coffee table, Will laughing at me softly. "Guys, scootch over." I snap up to see Julia encouraging Will and myself to move closer to the end of the couch to make room for herself and Renee, who was standing behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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