Chapter 8*

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Your POV
It's officially another Friday night where I had to be on my A game the second I get home from work. Jake decided to throw Renee a party at our house, to wish her good luck on the European leg of the tour. This meant that not only was I prepping for another 6-8 hours before I could sleep, but it was in my own house so I couldn't leave early.

Thankfully when I had walked in the door half an hour ago, nobody was here. Jake, Jules, and Brett were setting up downstairs while Kennedi and Payton ran to the liquor store last minute.

While my shower (and my shower beer) definitely reset me, as I was washing my face and brushing my teeth, I very badly wanted to just slip on pajamas and climb into bed. But instead, I'm staring in the mirror butt naked, trying to psych myself up to go put on a cute outfit.

I cover myself in moisturizer and slap on some deodorant, knowing I wanted to just put on some boxers and slide into bed. I let out a deep breath as I step out of the bathroom and into my dimly lit bedroom. I turn on my bedside lamp, bringing some more light into the room as I move around slowly.

As I pull my tight black boxer briefs over my hips, I hear a light knock on my door. "Who is it?" I call out, rushing over to my dresser to grab a black bralette. The door cracks open, a familiar head of blonde hair smiling at me. "Come in, babe," I smile, settling my bralette over my chest. "You didn't have to knock."

"I know, I just didn't wanna be rude." Renee fully comes in my room, holding a duffle bag. She had on a pair of blue jeans with multiple different color washes sewn together, a white graphic tee, and black sneakers. I'm assuming Jake told her to stay over, but I want her in my bed anyway. "Hi," she smiles as I walk up and wrap my arms around her waist.

I connect our lips in a soft kiss, the singer dropping her bag at our feet. She wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the soft kiss with ease. I pick her up, wrapping her legs around my waist, Renee squealing and giggling against my lips.

"What are you doing?" She asks quietly as I walk us over to my bed. I lay her down gently, kneeling between her legs. I lean down and kiss along her jawline, until my lips are against her ear.

"I'm gonna fuck you," I mumble, biting her earlobe softly. Renee lets out a whimper, her legs tightening around my waist, pulling our hips together. "Tell me what you want baby." I continue my soft kisses down her neck, sliding my hands under the loose black tee separating my body from Renee's.

"I want you to eat my pussy," she states, a hint of nervousness in her voice. I snap my eyes up to her, the blonde biting her lip gently as she looks down at me. I could see her eyes change from nervous to embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

I cut her off, crashing our lips together Renee's lips moving feverishly against mine. "Happily," I smirk, Renee visibly relaxing with a smile. I tug on the belt loops of her jeans, Renee lifting the hem of her shirt up so her stomach is exposed, granting me easier access to the denim.

"Please," she nods as I unbutton her pants, tugging them down her legs. The blonde is in a dark green thong, her wetness already seeping through the thin fabric.

"Damn, Rapp, already?" I tease, Renee rolling her eyes and shoving me lightly. I connect our lips again, as I move my hands all over her torso, the white tee getting in my way. "Sit up," I demand, sitting back on my heels. Renee quickly pushes herself into a seated position as I tug her shirt off her body. "Good girl." Renee smirks as I toss the shirt away, running her fingers along the waistline of my boxers. A matching green bra sits, holding my favorite tits gently.

I place a hand on her lower back and lean into her, our foreheads together as I lay her back down. I get lost in the hooded blue eyes, wishing I could look into them forever. I connect our lips in a passionate kiss as Renee's hands move around my back, her long nails leaving light scratches.

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