Chapter 7

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Your POV
The morning light of LA came through the floor to ceiling windows, stabbing me in the eyes the second I woke up. I immediately cover my face and roll to my right side onto my stomach, coming in contact with Renee. I was now practically laying on top of her, habitually sliding my arm across the smooth skin of her lower back. The blonde was sleeping on her stomach, the white sheet draped gently over her body.

We had definitely enjoyed ourselves last night, falling asleep entangled together with some light pillow talk. The time shared with the blonde, rolling around the white sheets, definitely grew our connection. It felt so natural with her, there was no first time hook-up awkwardness that I've had a million times before. I felt like I couldn't get enough of the singer, wanting to be touching her in some way all the time.

I slowly squint my eyes open, attempting to get used to the sunshine pouring into the warm room. Renee had massive curtains, I do not know why she never closed them. The alarm clock on the singer's bed side read 9:28 meaning I had slept maybe 5 hours, if that.

Last night, I joked with Renee that I was going to need a shower this morning, after she had licked my center clean, then dragged her tongue all the way up my torso and neck to connect our lips. She said I was welcome to it, and I decided that if I was going to try to run off of 5 hours of sleep today, I needed that.

I leave a small kiss on the blonde's shoulder, images of last night flashing through my head as I took in the familiar feeling of being connected to Renee. I roll onto my back, fully opening my eyes and adjusting them to the light.

I check my phone, a missed call from my mom, probably because it was already noon back at home. My parents tend to forget the time change, even though I've been here for 5 years.

I place my phone back on the nightstand with a thud, pushing up to sit on the edge of the bed. As my feet come in contact with the warm, sun bathed, hardwood floor, I can already feel the soreness in my thighs. I typically wasn't one to let girls take care of me, especially the first time hooking up with them, but Renee was so attractive and our tension built for so long, I was willing to let her do everything to me.

I slowly stand up, grimacing at the tightness of my leg muscles as they attempt to engage to support my body. I slowly waddle into the bathroom, flicking on the lights. Stepping onto the cool tile relaxed my body a bit, as I shut the heavy door behind me quietly.

I didn't want to wake the blonde, as she definitely needed more rest than I. One thing I loved about last night was that Renee and I seemed to mesh. Our sexual chemistry seemed stronger than our emotional and social bond. But maybe I was still feeling the dopamine coursing through my body from the multiple orgasms she gave me.

I pad over to the shower, trying to figure out how to turn it on. I walked into the shower between the glass wall and end of the encapsulation, going over to the handles and shower head.

I stand as close to the wall as I can, hoping that when I do figure out which of the identical three knobs turns on the water, I can avoid the ice cold liquid smacking me in the face.

After turning the top handle with no success, I turn the middle one to the left, and water shoots out of the head, some small splash back hitting me. I quickly turn the top knob most of the way to the right, hoping it would quickly heat up.

I step back out of the shower, over to my toiletry bag on the vanity, digging through for my travel shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I decide to quickly brush my teeth while I'm at it, as last night I didn't get the chance before falling asleep wrapped up in Renee.

Steam starts to fill the marble covered room as I collect my products and head back to the shower. As I ease into the warm water, I can't help but let out a groan as my muscles immediately relax. I run my hair under the shower, making sure every part of me enjoys the change in temperature.

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