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y/n stood at the palace steps with many other nobles as the carriage holding Heinrey and Navier arrived at the castle 

She stood in front of all of them as Heinrey helped Navier out of the carriage 

Each noble bowed down at the appearance of their new Queen "All hail their Majesties, the King and Queen"

y/n stepped forward a few steps and her blouse blew in the wind slightly 


She bowed down in front of Navier 

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She bowed down in front of Navier 

"I, Dame y/n l/n, greet the new moon of the Empire, Queen of the Western Empire" 

"I, y/n l/n, will serve as your permanent personal aid at the request of His Majesty" 

"y/n is a nature mage and a knight! She'll take care of you" Heinrey smiled at Navier 

"I see...I will be in your care then, y/n" Navier smiled and Heinrey gave y/n a wide smile as they walked past the nobles and into the castle 

"Everyone's eyes are glowing with curiosity!" Heinrey said as he guided Navier up the stairs and Mckenna and y/n trailed behind 

"It's okay" Navier replied 

"I'm not okay with it" Heinrey pouted "I worked so hard to make you my queen but they just had to try and spoil it"

"It's because it's unusual for a king to proceed with a marriage all by himself" y/n pointed out as she poked Heinrey in the back 

"Moreover, you have brought over the divorced Empress from a neighboring country instead of a nobleman's daughter from the Western Kingdom to be your queen" Navier continued 

Heinrey pouted once again 

"There is no need for concern, Your Majesty. There are a lot of people who were happy to hear the news that the Empress of the Eastern Empire would become our Queen" Mckenna tried to lift Heinreys spirits "There are likely many people who might have been surprised when they saw you in person but who may now be thinking that you are most impressive" 

Their conversation was paused as Yunim Quevel The Captain of the Western Kingdom's Royal Guards approached them 

He bowed on his approached "Your Majesty" 

His eyes flicked towards Navier 

"You were too reckless, Your Majesty. I can't believe you put yourself at risk for one woman" 

"Sir Yunim!" Mckenna exclaimed 

"Captain, please watch your words" y/n said 

"Why it seems like you would like to risk your life to say a few words, so I don't find that hard to believe" Heinrey said in a stern way 

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