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"How did you get remarried so fast?" 

"His Majesty supported me when I was getting everything in order before my divorce." Navier replied to the journalist

"His Majesty knew that you were getting divorced before it happened?"

"He overheard it" Navier lied and y/n tilted her head slightly 

'My spy told me that Sovieshu divorced Navier to make sure that Rashtas child would be an official heir. Suppose she can't say that much to the papers'  y/n thought



y/n stood at the foot of her bed as she moved her arms up, regrowing the lavender and wisteria. As she did this, her hair grew slightly with the flowers causing the length of her hair to now be resting by her thighs 

When she was finished, she moved outside onto to the English Vines that grew on the outside walls. She placed her fingertips on the vine to help it grow up the walls  

When she finished, she walked back into her bedroom to change into a simple light pink dress 

She tied her hair back in a braid and grew some small pink flowers throughout her hair and made her way to Navier's room to serve the Queen breakfast 


Rose and y/n stood to the side while Navier ate both ready to assist 

y/n noticed that Navier had a bit of a sad aura to her but she knew it wasn't her place to question so she looked to the side at Rose who looked at Navier with a bit of a solemn look 

y/n rushed forward with a glass of water when Navier unexpectedly choked on her meal 

Rose called an attendant to take the meal away and y/n closed the door behind the maid 

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty!" Rose called to Navier who was lost in thought 

"What is it?" Navier asked 

"I've been trying to get your attention for a while now Your Majesty" 

"There was something I needed to think about" 

"Is that...because of Lady Krista?" Rose asked carefully and y/n walked over to Navier's bed to look at the flowers and how they were growing. The young woman smiled in satisfaction at the health of the plants before returning to Navier's side 

"Krista? Ah.." and the Queen was lost in thought once more 

"I'm sorry. Actually, this has nothing to do with Lady Krista." Navier said as she stood up 

"I see...r-right!" Rose said quickly "You must have plenty of other things on your mind! What would you like to do today, Your Majesty? You already visited all the palaces in the capital yesterday except for the ones that are far away" 

"I'm done visiting the palaces. Do you know where my brother is staying?" Navier asked 

"Lord Kosair is at a suite for special guests" y/n replied 

"Let us head over to him" 



y/n knocked on the door to the room where Lord Kosair was staying 

"Lord Kosair?" she called out as she knocked once more 

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