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richie and eddie have been in love with each other but the other person doesn't have a clue. richie has heavily convinced himself that eddie would never ever like him like that. eddie on the other hand, wouldn't ever think that someone like richie would like someone like him.

they flirt and tease each other all the time, but the other one just thinks that it doesn't mean anything. it's kept both of them up on sleepless nights, where the only thoughts left were ones of each other. they haven't told anyone their feelings for each other and don't know if they plan too.

being something like "that" in their town alone is a huge risk, and that's a risk neither of them wanna take. for obvious reasons. richie can't put himself out there like that when people like henry bowers live there. to be honest, he's scared. he could end up dead. that's the last thing he wants.

eddie's come to realize his feelings more recently than richie. richie always felt something different around eddie, he always felt warm inside. at first he didn't understand what was going on. he one day listened to ben rant about his feelings for beverly, and everything ben said that he felt, richie felt the same way for eddie.

he's in love with eddie, and he loves him and everything about him, even though he's constantly teasing and bullying him. it's his way of saying 'i love you' without actually saying it, he couldn't do that. at least not right now.

eddie's always been taught that he was sick all the time, soon realizing that he wasn't. he felt gross for feeling this way, his mom told him it was a disease. that's what she always said, and that if he ever felt that way 'he was just sick and just needed to get better.' but it's not a "sickness," and thank fuck eddie knows this now.

he spent days and days of his life picking up prescriptions for his "sickness" hoping it would go away. it never did, he felt like he would let his mom down and disappoint her. not that it would surprise her, she doesn't believe in him for anything except taking his bullshit medication and following her "rules." but even then she doesn't fully believe he's doing it.

he thought something was wrong with him, he's spent countless hours just sobbing because he thought something was severely wrong with him. he never told anybody. there were times where he would stay up all night, crying until the tears wouldn't fall anymore. couldn't fall. he would wait until the sun would start rising, then pass out for however many hours before having to wake up and then go to school.

his eyes were red and puffy when he walked into school, absolutely restless. the losers would ask him what was wrong but he just told them it was nothing, and that everything was fine. they kind of left him alone after that. richie on the other hand, wouldn't leave his side.

when richie saw eddie walk into school with red puffy eyes that he could hardly keep open, he knew something wasn't right. his heart shattered seeing him like that. he asked him what was wrong, and when he would just reply with 'nothing rich' he knew it was a complete lie. anybody would know that it was a complete lie. eddie's never been a good liar to begin with.

richie stayed by him all throughout the day, not wanting to leave him alone for even a second. richie kept trying to make him laugh and feel better, sometimes failing, and sometimes succeeding. he always felt extremely happy whenever he heard eddie laughing, feeling even better knowing he was the cause of it. it made both of their feelings increase for each other.

eddie always fell in love a little bit more whenever richie could make him laugh or smile. even on bad days for the both of them, richie would do everything in his power to make at least eddie feel better. because if eddie felt better and was happy, richie felt the same.

eddie realized what these feelings actually were and just about passed out, he's in love with richie tozier?! his best friend!? he sat in silence the day he came to terms with everything, remembering little moments and piecing everything together. it all makes sense.

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