♡ | 𝚜𝚘𝚏𝚝 (𝚑𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚢 𝚡 𝚙𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚌𝚔)

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a/n: obviously this isn't reddie, but i kinda really like this ship and so i wanted to write a oneshot abt them cus i can. 😚🥰 if u don't like them js skip past this one :)


Henry Bowers wasn't gay, no. henry didn't like boys. no way in fucking hell would he ever. but that's been on his mind more than ever. he's never thought about it, he never thought it'd be something he would be contemplating. but maybe that would explain a lot of things for him.

if people saw the way he looked at patrick they'd think he was in love. he admired him almost, he thinks about patrick an ungodly amount but why would he think anything of it? isn't that normal? maybe, but fantasizing about kissing them and doing more definitely isn't.

henry sought comfort in patrick, thinking about him would calm him down. patrick was okay with it, their late night talks and falling asleep nuzzled up close to each other meant a lot to both of them.

patrick did like boys, he's known this from a young age but didn't say anything. patrick's first crush was henry, in 6th grade. and honestly, nothings changed. patrick has known henry the longest. belch and viktor came along the way, but at first it was always henry and patrick.

when belch and viktor came along, henry and patrick stopped hanging out as much. everything just sorta changed, henry became the "leader" and everyone did as he said. soon enough, the bowers gang was the most feared group of people at derry high school.

patrick knew about henry's problems with his parents. he was the only one who knew about henry's mom and what happened to her. henry wouldn't dare tell anyone else, patrick was the only one he trusted that much.

henry's told patrick about his issues with his dad, how he abuses him; verbally, physically, and mentally. patrick had never seen henry so vulnerable the night he told him everything. that was the only time he had ever seen henry cry, that's how the rest of that night went. henry cried in patrick's arms until they both passed out.

throughout everything, patrick still liked henry. even after everything he did, because that wasn't how henry was when they first met. he was shy, and had no friends. if you even want to believe that, but it was true.


henry sat in his room, he needed to get some fucking air but his dad was downstairs. he was more scared of that man than anyone. so he tried to avoid him at all costs. plus he was drunk, and henry really didn't want to go through that right now.

henry sighed before grabbing a sweatshirt and sneaking out his window, it was raining so getting out was tricky. henry was on the second floor so there was a bit of a drop, luckily for him his window led to a roof.

"fuck.." he expressed

he jumped off, landing on his knees which now had scrapes on them. nothing too harsh, just a bit of blood. (it wasn't, it was streaming down his legs) henry ignored the pain and started walking to patrick's house, whom he had hoped was awake.

henry took the long way, walking behind town through the trees. the blood slowly washing off his legs, now looking as if it never happened. he stopped for a second, just standing there. until he just broke down, he didn't even know why. it was obvious really, but he didn't know what it was.

tears cascaded down his face, mixing with the raindrops that were pouring heavily out of the sky. he had to keep walking, he couldn't just stay in the fucking forest and cry for however long. plus, boys don't cry. which is what his dad had told him, apparently you were weak, and a pussy if you cried. (also what his dad had told him.)

reddie :: oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now