♡ | 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚜

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their parents would never ever let them sleep over at each others houses. both for different reasons, but both meeting in the middle at one conclusion that they keep seeming to make. therefore, they don't allow it.

but is that gonna stop them? absolutely not. richie sneaks over to eddie's house past midnight all the time. eddie wasn't originally fond of the idea, but warmed up to it. he gets excited whenever he knows richie's coming over.

tonight was different, it was spring break and they wanted to see each other (since they wouldn't be at school.) so richie snuck over to eddie's house. throwing a rock at his window to get his attention, before climbing up his roof to get into his room. all without eddie's mom waking up and catching them. they're used to having to be quiet so it's not as hard anymore. richie still sometimes gets really loud, but it's richie.

this night richie wasn't supposed to be staying over, not because eddie didn't want him too but because he was scared. his mom had brought up that she heard something in eddie's room late at night. so she asked him what it was and he panicked and didn't know what to say. he said he was confused and didn't know what it was because he was sleeping. she shrugged it off and let it go, but now eddie's extra cautious.

it had started down pour raining, so richie couldn't leave. he tried too, but eddie told him that he shouldn't. he told him that he could catch a cold being outside in the rain when it's windy, and freezing. he didn't want that, so he worried.

the rain had slowed down a bit but there's still thunder and lightning. richie and eddie are sleeping in eddie's bed, richies arms no longer wrapped around eddie. caused by him shifting and moving in his sleep.

eddie's body feels that it is no longer being held, he curls into a ball; whimpering and shaking. mostly caused by what's going on in his head. he instantly jolts awake, sitting up immediately. his breathing suddenly becoming more shallow, and heavy. his heart pounding. holy shit, i can't breathe. i'm gonna fucking die.

all of this wakes richie up too, eddie doesn't realize this immediately cause he's having a hard time breathing. he's also on the verge of tears, he's panicking. richie comes to his senses after just being woken up, he gets up and quickly goes to eddie's desk. his inhaler sitting on the very edge. richie remembering, because he put it there the night before.

richie still hasn't said anything, trying to help the boy he's so deeply in love with as fast as he can. he sits back down on the bed and hands eddie his inhaler. he shakily takes it, hardly being able to bring it up to his lips. richie places a hand on eddie's, helping him. eddie takes a couple puffs, his breathing slowly starting to settle.

"breathe.. eddie breathe." richie was a bit panicked as well. he could tell eddie was calming down, but he was still really scared.

eddie sits there, taking deep breaths to steady his breathing. his eyes well up with tears again. he tries so hard to not let them fall, but he himself was also scared... so scared...

eddie faces richie and practically flung himself at him, clinging to him tightly. richie being his only safe space when he's panicky. richie immediately wraps his arms around his much smaller frame. he thinks this might be the cutest, but saddest thing he's ever seen. it makes him want to just hold him forever, and protect him from everything in the world. he feels horrible, not to mention, feeling panicky himself.

eddie's soft sobs are silenced against richie's shirt. richie knowing he's crying is like a stab to the heart, he hates seeing him cry. richie plants a kiss on top of eddie's head before speaking.

"shhh.. hey, hey, hey.. look at me." richie slides his hand under eddie's chin, using his fingers to lift it up so he's looking at him. richie notices the tears cascading down his face.

"love it's okay.. try to calm down, you're okay.. i'm right here."

eddie's gaze meets richie's. richies once usual, glowy eyes now filled with sadness, and worry. his own eyes softening as he stares at him. hes perfect... he thinks.

his raspy tired voice comforts him. he still looks sleepy, no glasses, his hair is messy... staring at richie is zoning him out and helping calm him down. he didn't even realize richie had said his name.

"eddie." richie repeats for a second time, eddie snaps out of it. he lets out a mumbled 'hmm?'

richie caresses eddie's cheeks with his thumbs, cupping his face and wiping the tears off it. eddie smiles a little.

"you okay now..?" richie questions, his voice still raspy and soft. eddie nods.
"y-yeah.. thanks rich.."

eddie glances over at his desk and notices the time plastered on his alarm clock. '2:45am'

"it's so late.. i'm sorry that woke you up."
"are you kidding? who knows what would've happened if i wouldn't of woken up." he expresses. eddie almost starts thinking about it, but gets snapped out of it.

"don't think about it eds, youre okay. it doesn't matter what would've happened if you were all by yourself, because you weren't. i was right here. please don't ever apologize for waking me up over something like that." it's like richie could see right through him, and knew exactly what to say in return.

he leans down and kisses eddie's cheek softly.
"okay?" he wants to make sure eddie understands.

"let's get back to sleep, yeah?" richie says as he lays back down. opening his arms so eddie can climb back in them. eddie wraps his arms around richie's torso, and rests his head on his chest. richie starts running his fingers through eddie's hair, making eddie close his eyes.

eddie's just about sleeping before he repositions himself, and nuzzles his face into the crook of richie's neck. taking in his scent, which for some odd reason is relaxing. next thing he knows, he's waking up the next morning still cuddled up in richie's arms. i may have just scored the perfectist boy in the universe. great, now i'm making up words. he smiles against richie's neck at that thought.

<1076 words>

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