Don't walk out when in love

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Today is the nineteenth of February, the day of the short program, Yulia is skating in 25th place on the start list, which means she is in the last five to skate, which puts more pressure on her, the figure skating event starts just hours after the Russian men's hockey team failed to earn a spot in the medal round, so the pressure is on.

Yulia steps onto the ice along with the other skates who are the warm-up group five, Yulia is warming up with, Coralina Kostner, Ashley Wagner, Mae Berenice Meite, Adelina Sotnikova, and Mao Osada. All these skaters are strong skaters, and they are all competition. There is no time to be friendly or for friends in figure skating, especially at the Olympics. All the skaters enter the ice and begin to warm up, as they are warming up the announcer speaks over the rink. "Skater's your six-minute warm up starts now!" Yulia begins to warm up her body on ice. She begins to warm up her jumps, she enters her triple flip, feeling the cold air wrapping around her small and frail body as she rotates in the air, feeling like a bird flying in the air.

She lands her jump the crowd cheering, as the music for her free skate continues playing, her team cheering for her, she is the winning jewel, their winning jewel. She continues skating, her every move feeling as light as feather, her spins, her jumps, her choreography, its all graceful, so graceful. As she skates her program and the crowd cheers for her, she feels nothing but happiness. She is going to win; her team is going to win. The music finishes and the crowd cheers loudly, repeating the same thing repeatedly, "Russia, Russia, Russia!" The crowd repeats over and over again as Yulia bows to the judges and crowd, before leaving the ice, and goes over to her team to collect her scores.

She sits with her team as she collects her scores, 141.51 points for the free skate! That's 10 points for the Russian team, she has one, the Russian team have won the team event! The crowd burst into cheers as they announce that the Russian team is in first place with 75 points, Canada is second with 65 points, and America in third with 60 points. The Russian team burst into tears and hug each other as they celebrate their victory, as they are all celebrating their victory the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, walks over to them to congratulate them on getting another victory for Russia, he hugs all the athletes on the Russian team, he gets to Yulia and hug her before giving her a kiss on her cheek and whispering a congratulations in her ear. The volunteers go onto the ice and set up the podium so they can hand out the medals. Once the podium was set up, all the skaters go over to the rink door so they can enter the ice. They call 3rd place onto the ice first, "In third place United States!" The American team enter the ice and hop up on the lower platform of the podium. "In the second place Canada!" The Canadian team enter the ice and skate of to the second-place platform and stand on it. "And in first place, The Russian Federation!" The crowd cheers as the Russian team enters the ice and go to the first-place platform on the podium.

Once all the teams are on their platforms on the podium, they bring out the flowers and the medals, they give America who is in third place their flowers first before giving Canada who are in second place and last they give Russia who are in first their flowers, after everyone gets their flowers they go onto medal, they do the same process as the flowers and give third place their medals first, before giving second their medals and lastly first place their medals. All the teams celebrate their victory on the podium with their medals, just as Yulia is about the say something she is snapped back into reality by the announcer speaks over the rink, "Skaters your six-minute warm up has now ended, please exit the ice." Yulia skates over to Eteri, she is first to skate in warm-up group five, Eteri speaks to Yulia giving her words of encouragement before she has to begin her program.

Yulia heads to the centre of the ice, her nerves heightened. As the other skaters are back-stage preparing themselves for their programs, Yulia is on the ice about to skate her program, Yulia does a little warm up before getting into position and beginning her program. The air in the rink is thick and full of anticipation, everyone is waiting and watching, it is almost like they are watching to if she will fall, if she will fail to meet the standards of perfection. As Yulia gets into position to start her program, she hears the crowd cheering for her, the crowd are screaming name over and over, the crowd is loving Yulia. Yulia is terrified, her face may not say it, but her body is telling her. Her mind is racing, she hasn't even began skating and she is sweating, it's like she just skated her short and free skate back-to-back. Her nerves spiking like never before as she starts her program, the music beginning to play in the background. She skates her program, it starts out good, she enters her first jump, a triple lutz-triple toe, she does her jump perfectly, it is all going well, this is what she wants, she has a good shot at winning if she skates her program entirely clean, no falls, or slips, all perfect and she will win. Yulia is now onto her second jump, her double axel, her best jump, she knows she can do this perfectly, she enters the jump, and she was right she lands the jump, doing it perfectly, after she does her double axel, she moves onto her first spin of the program, she enters her flying camel spin then into a donut spin before moving in a beilman spin, then exiting the spin and moving onto the rest of her program. There are so many artistic elements in her program that make it such a beautiful program to watch, it truly pulls in the crowd, makes them feel every emotion in this program, in her every movement. Yulia enters her beautiful spiral, making the crowd cheer for her, after she exits her spiral she moves onto her next last jump of her program, her triple flip, which she falls on, she is gutted, her dream of being the Olympic champion is out the window with her falling on her triple flip, she need it to win, no matter what scores she gets in the free skate, it won't be enough to win. She moves onto her next spin, she does the spin perfectly, but it doesn't change that it still isn't enough for her to win, she needed to land her triple flip to win, but she didn't, she fell. Despite the beauty in her program, Yulia doesn't feel happy, she didn't skate perfectly, she will be lucky if she even makes it into the top three. She bows to the judges before bowing at the crowd and making her way of the ice and to the kiss and cry to collect her scores. She enters the kiss and cry with her coach Eteri Tutberidze, as she sits and waits for her scores and doesn't even look up, she stares at her skates, feeling pissed off that she fell, that she threw her chance out the window, she gets her scores she scored 65.23, placing her in fifth. Yulia leaves the kiss and cry upset, she is angry and sad, she feels she threw the opportunity away. She doesn't feel like she did enough, she isn't perfect, Eteri was right, she never will be perfect.

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