Sweet Sacrifice

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Yulia wakes in the morning, exhausted, hungry, and most of all depressed, she takes a moment to think things over, before she begins to pull herself out of bed, knowing today is going to be a disaster, Yulia begins to get ready day of training at Khrustalyn Rink under her coaches Eteri Tutberidze and Sergei Dudakov for another excruciating, Yulia says to herself as she finally gets ready, "I hope this day goes fast." She says with a heavy sigh, knowing this is going to be a long day, full of training and yelling. as she gets ready to have a shower, she begins to walk to her bathroom, practically dragging herself there, knowing where she is going to be today, knowing who she is going to be seeing.
She enters the bathroom, and weighs herself immediately, "47 kilos," She sighs, "not good enough." Yulia enters the shower and begins shower, getting herself ready for a long day of training with Eteri.
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Yulia opens the door, and enters the rink, her head held down low, in her own thoughts, when suddenly, her thoughts are interrupted by the voice of one of the juniors on the team, Evgenia Medvedeva, "Hey, are you okay?" speaks the small 14-year-old. "Um, yeah, I am..." Yulia replies cautiously to the small 14-year-old. Evgenia goes to reply when the voice of none other than Eteri Tutberidze is heard screaming across the rink. Both girls turn to see who she is yelling at, when they both turn to face her, they realise they are the ones being yelled at, the loud voice of Eteri Tutberdize yells, "WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE DOING?! STOP WASTING TIME AND GO TRAIN! YOU AREN'T HERE TO SOCIALISE; YOU ARE TO TRAIN!" The girls look at each other and quickly move to go train.
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Yulia enters the ice after warming up off-ice and begins to start to warm up on ice. Yulia starts with warming up on her own, starting with her edges, like swizzles, and then slaloms forwards and backwards, before moving onto her spins, starting with her upright spins for front and backwards, before going onto her camel spins, after she has warmed up her spins, she begins to warm up her jumps, Yulia starts with doing some walk throughs of her jumps before moving onto to her waltz jump, and then her singles, after she finishes warming up her singles she moves onto her doubles and triples. After she is warmed up, she begins to practice her jumps, knowing that she hasn't been landing them lately, she starts with her triple flip, as she has been having the most trouble with it, she then moves on to her Salchow, toe-loop, and axel. After she finishes practicing her jumps, she moves onto her spins, starting with her catch spins, and laybacks, once she is finished practicing her spins, she goes onto doing a program run through, without jumps. Yulia trains for many hours non-stop, only ever stopping for water, but only ever for a couple of seconds, after five hours of non-stop training Yulia finally get off the ice and puts her skate guards on before walking to the locker room.
Yulia enters the locker room, practically dragging her body as she is exhausted for all this training, and lack of food.
Yulia enters the locker room and immediately goes to her stuff; she throws her skates off tiredly. as the tiredness begins to make its self-aware to her, she pulls her skates off, taking off the skate guards and begins to clean all the ice and water off her blades and boots, before putting her soakers on and placing her skates in her bag, sipping it up, Yulia puts her shoes on and grabs her bag, placing the strap over her shoulder as she leaves the locker room. She starts to head home, as Yulia is walking out the locker room she is stopped by the same familiar voice from earlier, the 14-year-old, Evgenia Medvedeva. Yulia stares at the girl as she begins to speak, "Hey," says Evgenia, "I'm sorry I got us yelled at earlier," Evgenia says, her voice filled with regret. Just as Evgenia goes to speak again she is cut off by Yulia speaking. "It's okay, it was an honest mistake, just don't do it again, I don't need to be yelled at by Eteri anymore than I have to be." Says Yulia her voice sounding rather monotone. Evgenia nods, understanding what she is saying, Evgenia begins to speak again, her voice filled with understanding, "Okay, of course, I'm sorry still, I didn't mean for us to get yelled at." She says to Yulia while nodding her head. Yulia nods hesitantly, before speaking again. "Okay, um, bye, I guess...?" Yulia speaks before walking away. "Bye!" Evgenia yells out to Yulia as she walks away.

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