Lose Control

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The week has passed relatively fast, Yulia is aloud to return to training, she was given the okay by the doctor, but she is scared to return to training, specifically scared of what Eteri will say to her after what happened the week prior.
Yulia enters the rink, when she enters, she has eyes on her.
Everyone is looking at her, they are staring, everyone knows she passed out, everyone saw her pass out.
Yulia doesn't know how to feel, knowing that everyone saw her passed out, it is kind of weird, she has had people watching her, she is a figure skater after all, people pay to watch her skate.
But this is different, this isn't the "people pay to watch her" type of staring, this is the "I saw you get hurt" type of staring.
Yulia doesn't like it, she doesn't like it one bit, just as she goes to yell at everyone for staring, a voice, a small voice begins to talk.
"Hi!" says the small voice, the voice of a little nine-year-old, the voice of Anna Shcherbakova.
Yulia looks at her, still rather pissed of at the fact everyone is staring at her, she replies cautiously.
"Hi...?" Yulia replies to Anna.
"Hi! um, I really love your skating! And I am Anna, I train with Eteri too!" Anna replies excitedly.
Yulia looks at with a confused, yet curious expression, she replies cautiously.
"Um that is good...? I am glad you like my skating... Anna..." she replies with a major undertone of confusion.
"Um, I need to go train now, Anna." Yulia states before walking away.
"Oh, okay!" Anna says as Yulia walks away.
— — — — — —
Five hours later, Yulia finishes training, tired and hungry, she leaves the ice and walks into the locker room where she sees the same little girl from earlier, Anna Shcherbakova.
"Hi Yulia!" Anna says excitedly.
"Hi... Anna..." Yulia says tiredly as she drags herself over to her stuff.
Anna excitedly sits herself next to Yulia as she takes off her skates.
"How was training?" Anna asks excitedly.
"Was it good?" Anna asks Yulia excitedly, not even giving Yulia a moment to speak.
"It was... okay... I guess?" Yulia says annoyed.
She is annoyed that she is being bugged by a nine-year-old after she spent her whole training being yelled at by Eteri and falling on her jumps.
She Probably shouldn't be annoyed at nine-year-old, but she is, its just bad timing, she is always angry at the first person who spoke to her after training.
It just sucks that this time it's little nine-year-old Anna.
Yulia doesn't have a problem with Anna, as such, but she just keeps popping up at the wrong time and ends up seeing this bitchy side of Yulia.
Yulia actually kind of likes Anna, she is a cute kid.
— — — — — —
Europeans are next week, currently Yulia is packing her bags for Europeans, they are being held in Budapest, Hungary.
This is the first time Yulia has been to Hungary, and her first even Europeans, so undoubtably a lot of pressure is on her, she wants to win, Eteri wants her to win, she has to win.
"Dresses? Check. Training gear? Check." Yulia says to herself as she packs for Europeans.

Yulia usually isn't this nervous for competitions, but this is different, this is Yulia's first Europeans, she's is terrified to put it plainly.
It's her last competition before Olympics, so obviously she'd be terrified, not only is she terrified, she is tired, and hungry.
She has lost more weight and she is currently weighing 45 Kilograms, Yulia still doesn't think it's enough.
— — — — — —
As the plane lands down in Budapest, Yulia starts to get rather jittery, the nerves start to kick in, she is terrified, her first Europeans.

Yulia gets off the plane, her hand luggage in her arms, she heads through the airport, and picks up her luggage from the luggage bay.
After she goes through the luggage bay and collects her luggage, she heads to customs, and declares everything she needs to, before heading out of the airport and to the hotel all the athletes at Europeans are staying at.
— — — — — —
She enters the hotel, with her bags by her side, she is told where her room is and given her credentials for Europeans, so that she can get in and out of the rink, she goes to her room and places everything on the floor and laying on the bed.
She is tired from the travelling and has 3 hours until her first training so she decides to take a nap.

She wakes up an hour and a half later and decides get up.
She begins to get herself ready for her first training in Budapest, she changes into her training gear, and grabs her bag, with her skates, and other training gear, before heading to the rink to train.

Yulia trains for a couple of hours, she is still feeling the nerves, but they have calmed down a little bit.
She is happy to be at Euros, but she is terrified she knows that if she doesn't win, she won't hear the end of it from Eteri.
Yulia just hopes she can win Euros, because if she can win Europeans, she can win the Olympics, and then she will be perfect in Eteri's eyes, Olympic champions are perfect, Yulia has to be perfect if not for herself, for Eteri.

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