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This is a Hobie Brown x FEMALE reader, i will make male povs in the future but i wanted to start with something somewhat easy and since i am a female i think i know my own kind pretty well >:)

Y/N: Unstable Hottie

Ezra: Side Waifu

Nova: Cyborg

Sadie: Yellow Snow

Ivy: Bathwater

  I personally like the nicknames >:) they all have a story behind them but that's for you to find out while you read :). You are currently in your senior year of high school in a Metal/Rock band with your small friend group and are the ¨Popular¨ weird kids in the school sooo yeah. The band name is called *The Widows Kiss* i know great name, got the idea from overwatch and if you don't know overwatch the band name is based off of the spider Widow. Anyways you are the lead guitarist, Ezra being the Drummer, Nova being the Vocalist, Sadie being the Bass, and Ivy playing the keyboard. BTW Sadie and Ivy are dating so if you aren't comfortable with any type of Homosexual just try and read through the parts or dont read it if you don't wanna but there will be some of that in here :)

  I hope you guys like the story its my first one and idk how this will go so hopefully it turns out good :) 

  Couple more things actually :,) you are 17 and having your 18th birthday soon WOHO! all your friends just turned 18 not to long ago but Ezra, Shes still 17 and is turning 18 soon. ANYWHO y'all r pretty close yada yada yada uhhhh you will meet other spider people don't worry your sweet little head :) and yes there will be some overwatch/valorant references in here and obviously spiderman ones i mean cmon its a fucking spider-punk ¨Book¨. OH THAT REMINDS ME! there will be some cussing in here and SMUT, not toooooo much but there will be some trust me.

  Little bit about you in the universe btwww. Your style is very grunge/punk ish idk. You have good grades and your a goody too shoes but also a ¨rebel¨ ig? you make your own rules and don't care what anyone says to or about you. you live life to the fullest and enjoy while it last making dumb decisions and so on.

  You do have a couple animals but you are a VERY big reptile fan. You have two bearded dragons, Ones name is Zues and the other is Hera (ones prego). You have a green python snake named Medusa. Last animal you have is a black cat with beautiful eyes that matched yours and you named them C/N (cat name)

 if you have anything you want in the story please tell me I run out of ideas pretty quick lmfao

(song at the top was all that is stuck in my head rn sooo ofc I had to out it...)


☆Lost Cause☆ Hobie Brown x  Female Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now