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"HOBIE!" I ran to his side and put pressure on his wound.

"Like I Said Luv, 9:00." He gave a weak smile before passing out.

  It all happened to fast; he was in my arms barley breathing at 9:00 on a Friday night. I quickly ran to my bathroom for a first aid kit. I rushed back over to Hobie slicing off some more of his suit to get to the wound faster.

  He slowly gains consciousness and groaned in pain. He was lying on my carpet flat on his back, me kneeling down next to him wrapping up his stomach.

"Is it bad?" He weakly asked following with a small chuckle.

  I ignored him at the time. I couldn't let him loose anymore blood then he already has. His stomach was all wrapped up, I moved to his arms cleaning up small wounds. He sat up strait leaning his back against the wall groaning. I began to clean some of his face while he winced in pain every so often.

"Sit still Hobie, why the hell did you come to me like this?" I asked somewhat annoyed.

"You came to mind first." He closed his eye tightly as I touched his black eye.

  My heart dropped as he said that to me, Y/N, coming into his mind first to get help. Why though? I decided to think of it later and focused on his wounds.

  As I was finishing up Miguel's hologram appeared on Hobie's watch.

"Hobart, Where the hell did you go!" Miguel was fuming.

"He's in my dimension, he's hurt, badly." I close the watch and look at Hobie.

  Hobie was already looking at me with a faint smile on his face. He took a deep breathe and tried to get up while holding onto his stomach.

"Where do you think you're going?" I push him back down lightly.

"I'm patched up, I'm fine now." He tried to get up again but falls due to his pain.

  I shake my head disappointed in him and sit next to him once again. He smiled so I gave a slight smirk as he placed his hand on my thigh. I froze as I felt his cold hand on me.

"Thank you, Luv." He looked me dead in the eye.

"Anytime, Hobe's" I give him a hug.

He winced in pain once again so I pulled back away and tilted my head now thinking clearly. I was so confused on how this happened, so I finally decided to ask.

"How did this even happen?"

He looked up at me. "A fight some spot guy, we didn't catch him but oh well." He shrugged.

  I chuckle at the stupid reason and freeze out of nowhere.


☆Lost Cause☆ Hobie Brown x  Female Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now