Allens' and Collins'

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Hi guys!!! I'm from Australia and my first Wattpad story! Really, really excited right now!!!

I have read heaps on Wattpad so I decided it is finally time to give one a go myself!!

Hope you enjoy!!! I have loved writing it so far!

JayKayGee xx

Chapter 1 - Allens' and Collins'

POV: Julia Allen

I woke up to the bright sun shining through my window and the sound of my twin little brothers playing with pots and pans in the kitchen. Damn those little early birds, I thought as I painfully dragged myself out of bed.

Today was the last day of the holidays before school was back in full swing. I slowly walked into the kitchen to put an end to the racket Jake and Eddie were making. Being only seven years old they were complete muck runners and loved to cause me much havoc as possible.

"Can you two shut up for one moment?" I yelled over the din.

"But we were supposed to wake you up before the BBQ, and we want pancakes!" Jake and Eddie shouted in unison.

What BBQ? I pondered. "Shit!" I cursed as I rushed back to my room to get ready. "And no way am I making you pancakes!" I called before I quickly slammed my door for some privacy.

The barbeque I had completely forgotten about was the one at the Collins' house in half an hour. Mum and Dad had just gone out to the supermarket for some supplies and were due back any minute now "Double shit!"

The Collins' have been our family friends since forever and lived on our side of town. Not that far just some pretty rough roads. Living in country Victoria, we got used to it. Justin and Tia Collins had four boys aged from eighteen to seven years old.

Firstly there is Luke. Tall, tanned, blue eyes just like his father and fair hair like his mother. He is the most popular and desired guy at school. Luke is also the best player in the local footy team and hoped to make the AFL one day.

Their second child is Hugh who is not lacking in the looks department either. Well none of them are! Hugh is sixteen years old and in the same year as me. Alike to his older brother, he is an amazing athlete playing footy as well as well as running long-distance. He has the most captivating emerald green eyes.

Next up there is fifteen year old Trent. He is pretty much a younger replica of Luke in appearance and is a bit of a player. Trent is the heart-throb of the middle school.

And ending the awesome foursome as they are often nicknamed is little Max. Cute as a button but looks can be very, very deceiving. Seven year old Max and his best friends, my twin brothers, are definitely a triple threat.

Just as I finished brushing my teeth the front door swung open. "Darlings I'm home," Mum sang as she plonked some groceries on the kitchen table. "Oh, and I ran into Tia at the supermarket and she said to bring your bathers." It was unusual to have such pleasant weather this time of year.

"Yippee!" Evil number 1 and Evil number 2 yelled. I internally groaned. It was enough going to a BBQ with all guys every week, without the extra noise and stress of a pool party.

I slipped my bikinis on as well as my favourite tee, shorts and thongs. I didn't plan on swimming this afternoon. It wasn't that I self-conscious, that I was not at all, but I had had enough epic water fights to last a life time to know that pay-back's a bitch.

I finished getting ready as Dad honked the horn of our old family car. I rushed out the front door and speedily made my way to the car. Not quick enough though. Jake and Eddie had already snagged the window seats leaving the middle for me.

It was going to be one hell of a ride!

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