Twisties and Cheezles

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Chapter 4 - Twisties and Cheezles

POV: Julia Allen

The week passed quickly and before I knew it I was riding into town with the girls. Lucy, G and Stella were all psyched for the sleepover tonight but I wasn't as much.

The early wake ups for Coach Peterson were really taking there tole and I was pretty wrecked.

"C'mon Jules, lets watch 'Mean Girls,'" Lucy called.

"But we have already seen it like one million times!" I whined back. To tell you the truth I have only seen it a few times because I always fall asleep. I joined G and Stella browsing through the rows of DVD's. Eventually we all gave into Lucy's pathetic moaning about how we just had to watch it. We borrowed the disc and headed next to the supermarket.

Grabbing two baskets we bee-lined straight for the confectionary and chips isle. Fruit Tingles or Lifesavers, Natural Confectionary or Starbursts, Twisties or Cheezles, we all contemplated.

"Fruit Tingles," Stella squealed.

"Starburst," G swiftly followed.

"Oh, I don't know... Twisties and Cheezles." I pleaded.

"Fine!" Lucy finished. We better hurry or we'll be here all night. We grabbed our bikes and began our way back to Stella's. I loved riding and even better with my best friends beside me.

The sun was just setting over the hill and the sky was a vibrant orange. We were sailing along the road when a car came along. We all swerved off the road but the car slowed down beside us.

"How are you going ladies?" Luke said out the window.

"Fine thanks," I replied. All the other girls were dumbstruck by Luke's appearance but I was immune. "Nice night for a ride, catch you later, see you Sunday Jules," he called before winding up the window. The car continued on out of sight.

"Oh my gosh! Did Luke just talk to us?" Lucy squealed with joy.

"Just doing the polite thing I guess." Wow, was all Stella could say and G was yet to come back to us.

Man did those Collins brothers have an effect my best friends. Lucky there weren't any more of them!

"What was that about Sunday?" G quizzed with a smile.

"BBQ at the Colllins' every Sunday," I answer without a second thought. I was beginning to get cold from our sudden stop. "Let's get a move on," I prompted.

"You are so lucky!" they all shouted as we rode towards to the setting sun.

It seemed like ages before we finally set up the sleeping bags, positioned the food and settled down for the movie. "Before we start the movie it time for a crush update," Lucy piped in.

We all groaned. Why must we do this? Everyone already knew that Lucy was madly in love with Lachie O'Brian. Lachie was one of Hugh's best friends and hung around with the popular crowd.

"He is still out of your league," Stella pointed out.

"I can still dream!" Lucy added with wishful expression on her face. Knowing Lucy she would eventually got what she wanted. Only time would tell.

"What about you Stella?" G asked.

"Well let's just remember the golden rule of all sleepovers," she said matter-of-factly.

"What is said during the sleepover stays at the sleepover!" we all recited.

"Fine," she huffed. I like Thomas Small.

"That is so cute!" Lucy giggled. Tom was one of the smartest kids in the class just like Stella. He was also blessed with athletic ability. "Oh so adorable" she added.

"Would you all just shut up?" Stella said. "Stop teasing me and get on to G." I was finding this all quite amusing. Laughing to myself I put a Cheezle on every finger.

"What so funny Jules? You're next!" G said with a chuckle. No way! I was going to avoid this at all costs.

G quickly whispered, "I don't like anyone," before jumping into her sleeping bag. Lucy was on to her in a flash with a tickle tackle. "Help!" she called out. Jules help me!" I would've but I had all this scrumptious Cheezles on my fingers and they weren't going to waste. "Fine, I give in," G called.

"Yes!" Lucy called. "I knew my tickles would get to her."

"How about we come to compromise? G said with a smirk. I tell you who likes someone in the room and I don't have to tell you who I like?"

"Well..." Stella pondered.

"Absolutely!" Lucy exclaimed. I didn't really care, as long as they were distracted enough to forget about me. "Well come on then G, spit it out."

"Bad luck! You guys will have to work it out on your own." G said before running up and pressing play on the movie.

"Oh and I like Matt Waite." No surprises there either. It seemed that everyone had a crush that was perfect for them.

By then we had all rushed to our sleeping bags preparing for the movie. I was in heaven with Cheezles on one side my friends all around me.

But there was a little niggling thought in my mind. Who was G talking about?


So how are you all doing ?? I am being such a house sloth !!

Gotta love a good sleepover !!

Who is your favourite bestie so far ???

xx JayKayGee

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