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Chapter 9 - Awkwardness

POV: Julia Allen

“Where have you been Lucy?” yelled as I raced into school as the bell rang.

“Talk later!” I said while throwing my bag in my locker. I had tutor first up and there was no way I was going to be late for Mrs Murphy.  She was like a raging bully caged up and she released all of her anger out on the late-comers. Lucy had made it to tutor when I tried to sneak into the room.

“What do you think you are doing Miss Allen?” Mrs Murphy bellowed. Oh no, I freezed.

“Sorry I’m late, I missed the bus.” My shoulders dipped and I went pink with embarrassment. She was just about to yell when someone else casually strolled into class behind me.

“Mr Collins, I see you too do not have the decency to be punctual to my class either!”

“Sorry Miss,” he said with a smirk. It was clear he didn’t really take Mrs Murphy seriously.

“Do you think I am kidding Mr Collins? Both of you can have a recess detention with me!” she remarked with satisfaction.

You have got to be joking! I arrive one minute late to tutor, Hugh manages to piss off Mrs Murphy even more and I end up with a recess detention... with him.

You have got to be kidding me! But of course I didn’t say this aloud. I slowly made my way to my seat and waited impatiently until the bell rang.

What a great way to start off the day!

“Naughty naughty Miss Allen,” Hugh said in a Mrs Murphy impersonation.

“Shut up Hugh, it’s your fault we are both here.”

“Really, I don’t believe it is my fault that you fell asleep at my house and were in a rush this whole morning,” he snapped.

“Really Collins,” I shrugged. “Let’s not make this is any more painful than it already is.” Finally Mrs Murphy arrived. I couldn’t take my eyed off her horrible grey mop of greasy hair.

“Now, both of you can sit in silence, while I go get a coffee,” she ordered.

“Ok,” we both said before she left us to our own devices.

“So…” Hugh said uncomfortably. I knew this was going to be awkward.

“You looked cute in that princess dress,” I suddenly blurted out. Oh my god, I mentally faced palm. I did not just say that.

I hid behind me hands trying to shield myself from further embarrassment. But when I looked up I saw something I was not expecting.

Hugh Collins was blushing. He scratched his neck awkwardly before looking me dead in the eye. Say something I prayed.

“Alright, you two get out of my sight now, don't waste my time again” Mrs Murphy said in a repulsive tone. What timing! She had barged into the room at most embarrassing moment of my life.

Actually second, first was when I started seriously rocking it out in my bedroom  to really loud music and all of the Collins boys were standing in the doorway gobsmacked. I suddenly remember my initial thought. Get the hell out of there.

“See you tomorrow Mrs Murphy,” I said quickly before almost running out of the classroom. I needed fresh air.

The rest of the day was a drag. I couldn’t wait for athletics training in the afternoon. Another thing was also on my mine. I made Hugh Collins go pink.


Hi guys






Well, that’s awkward.

How are you all? Enjoying the story so far?

Any corrections, tip, or ideas for the future?

I know it is short, I have had a massive week with so much homework !!

Next chapter is going to be worth it, I promise !!

Just letting you know that all votes and comments make my day awesome and are definitely appreciate !!

xx JayKayGee

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