Scars From Time

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Part 1

Livelihood vs sisterhood

Madame Verdin would then visit Daniella to look over her quite observantly. She would link through her actions while sitting in the gatherings. She would learn about the girl's passion, interests and dedication of hard work both by observation and enquiry from her relatives. She could learn from the faces and accents of speech who truly cared about that girl and the others who just pleasured on bitching about that girl.

Madame Verdin was suddenly a quite a known figure among the neighbors, at Daniella's relatives. Madam Verdin was quite a conscious lady. She was quite an observant, obediently spoken rich lady of morals among rich and poor, old and young. Madam Verdin never discouraged and spoke bad on anyone's back just like how she had found people much attracted to these days.

Daniella was business-minded with religious perspectives and the way she would want her son's wife to be.

At gatherings, she spoke about religion, at market she could be a good salesperson and a volunteer. She would work as a cook, a trailer, a farmer, a shepherd and was always seen busy. She was found of the royal princess Margrate and would often encourage Candace to role play Queen of Wales, Queen Elizabeth II.

It was the love marriage turned to an absolute, overwhelming, and a fabulous arranged marriage.

It was Madam Verdin who once appeared at her house surprisingly as a visitor only to declare her decision to tie a wedlock between her son and she (Daniella).

'Can I have the pleasure of asking your dear, honored young lady, Miss. Daniella as my son's to-be wife;

My son would have the gratitude of having such a pious soul to his life;'

Her British accent such proud and free like a poem when she spoke. The parents' happiness would know no boundary after all Daniella won in her life. She had far exceeded the expectation, her family's position and everything with this wedlock to this auspicious family.

Daniella's mom had shared her vision on this proposal.

'It's our honor my dear lady. Of course our family is a peasant family. We've our prestigious land and a heard of sheeps that my good daughters always helped me with.

It would be my delight if any of my daughters could have a magnificent life at your household if it could just be my younger one Daniella Catherine. We are grateful for your gratitude my lady.'

Madame Verdin had earned a courtesy for her great decision.

Following her marriage into a prosperous home. Lady Daniella from being just a catholic preacher has now got the god graced honour of constructing her own little church out of her compassion and dedication on the little piece of farmland that was her part of hereditary.

Daniella's first church;

Her settlement into Verdin's family. A rich an highly respected family with soft virtues had enriched her to construct her first church at her family's passed on small piece of land.

With the time she could gather and financial support her now in-laws and her husband was finally able to provide her with. Daniella could design the blueprint of her first infamous church.

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