Chapter 7

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Violeta ignores Chiara again, but this time it's worse. Because Chiara knows that Violeta is sitting somewhere in Madrid, but she has no idea where. All she wants to do is find her and explain to her that Alba means nothing, but she can't.

"I need her address, Rus," Chiara frowns into her phone, throwing herself back against her bed.

"Sorry, Chiara, but I can't do that for you. She made me promise that I wouldn't tell you, and I am not one to break a promise," Ruslana responds and Chiara can hear her chewing what sounds like a tangerine through the line.

"Rus, please," Chiara begs, "I just... I need to explain to her what's going on."

"What is going on?" Ruslana questions, "Vio wouldn't tell me anything but she sounded fucking pissed. I mean, I've known the girl for a long time now and I've never heard her sound that upset. What did you do?"

Chiara briefly considers telling her. She's sure if she explained the story to Ruslana, she would be more than willing to help her out, but she doesn't. Because of Violeta.

"I really can't tell you," Chiara sighs, "You know I would if I could."

"Yeah, yeah," Ruslana says and Chiara can almost hear her rolling her eyes, "Go try to get your determined little hands on her address elsewhere."

It's exactly what Chiara does. She goes through the entire Instagram friends of Violeta, only to hear the same spiel from every one of them. 'Violeta told me not to tell you...' It comes to the point where Chiara is certain that Violeta gave out a memo to every human being living in Spain that said: 'Don't tell Chiara where I live.'


A week of dead ends and unanswered phone calls to Violeta rolls by and Chiara nearly gives up. Nearly.

And then her phone rings.


"Is this, uh, Chiara?" A female voice comes through.

"Yeah, it is."

"Hey Chiara, it's Denna. Violeta's sister."

"We, uh, we met once at some event thing, I think," Denna says nervously, her breathing a bit heavy

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"We, uh, we met once at some event thing, I think," Denna says nervously, her breathing a bit heavy.

"Oh, yeah. Hey, Denna. What's up?" Chiara is scared at first, why the hell is she calling? Is Violet okay? Did something happen?

Denna sighs, "oh, nothing much, I was just on my phone, I checked out your music. You have a lot in common with the music of my sister. Did you know I was one of the captains of the Kivistas back then? I called to talk about her."


"No, my other sister, Purple," When Chiara doesn't respond, Denna continues, "That was a joke. You know... because her name is a color and purple too. Almost the same but still with a large dif–"

How To Disappear - KiVi [Engl.]Where stories live. Discover now