Chapter 19

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Waiting, Chiara finds, is easier said than done. She waits a week, and then two, and then three, but she still doesn't hear from Violeta. Instead, all she gets is one-on-one meetings with Ruslana where all the redhead has to offer her is pitiful smiles and brief updates about how she is doing.

"If it makes you feel any better," Ruslana speaks up, pouring herself a second glass of red wine, "Violeta hasn't spoken to Lucas in a while."

"Aren't they pretty serious? How can she just ignore him like that?"

Ruslana laughs so abruptly that it makes Chiara jump just a bit, "The girl hasn't spoken to you in a month and you're asking me how she can ignore her boyfriend? God, Chiara, you really are something else."

Chiara sinks down into her couch, "Violeta doesn't owe me anything."

"The hell she does," Ruslana rolls her eyes, "Chiara, you two were practically engaged before you left. I'll agree that after a year you shouldn't expect her to fall back into your arms, but she does owe you, at the very least, a conversation."

"I don't know," Chiara shrugs, nervously picking at her fingernails, "I've been thinking about leaving Madrid."

"Excuse me?"

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"Excuse me?"

"There's no reason for me to be here. There used to be, back before I left, but now? What's the point? I've always can't stand this city, I'm not doing music anymore, I'm not working on any projects that are keeping me here, and Violeta has moved on and she has her own life now. I don't belong here anymore, Rus."

"What about me?" Ruslana gapes, bringing a hand to her chest.

"You know I love you, but... I don't know. I just feel so out of place here these days."

Ruslana sets her wine glass down and rests her forehead in her palms, mumbling a faint, "Where would you even go?"

"Barcelona, maybe. Or back to Menorca, continuing the life of Mariah Díaz but this time as Chiara Oliver. I found a friend there, you would like him."

"But your life and family is here, Chiara. Violeta and I? We're your family. You can't just leave, not after all we've been through."

"I wish things were the same as they were before. I would do anything to have that back, Rus, you know that. But... I don't know how much longer I can feel like this. It hurts."

There's a long silence before Ruslana speaks up again.

"If you think that this is what will make you happy, then... you should do it."

Chiara exhales in relief, "Thank you. You have no idea how much your support means."

"But I'm going to need you to call me at least three times a week, deal?"



Chiara begins to pack her life into boxes no more than two days after telling Ruslana of her plans to move. She figures that if she doesn't start right away, she'll never get around to it – and she needs to get around to it. She doesn't think she'll survive another month in Madrid. Well, maybe she could survive in Madrid, but she doesn't think she'll survive another month waiting around for Violeta.

How To Disappear - KiVi [Engl.]Where stories live. Discover now