Chapter 6

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Chiara tries calling, but Violeta doesn't answer. If Violeta hadn't moved back, then maybe things would be easier. Maybe she would be able to show up at Violeta's front door and say all the things that she's desperate to. Maybe Violeta would say those things to her, too.

But Violeta isn't in Madrid anymore. And if Chiara were to show up on the front porch of the apartment where she once lived, she would be greeted by the nice, Chinese family that took her place once her rent was up.

Instead, she settles on sending texts that go unreciprocated.

Chiara tries talking to Ruslana about it, but of course she doesn't know anything

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Chiara tries talking to Ruslana about it, but of course she doesn't know anything. When the redhead asks what's going on with you two? Chiara makes up a lie about how Violeta was dragged into some current drama that was going down between her and their friend Martin. Because as much as she'd like to talk to someone about what was actually going on, she knows that discussing Violeta's confused sexuality isn't right. She wishes that it were.

After the two-week mark, Chiara decides to let it go. If Violeta wants to talk to her, she'll come around.

She tries to move on.


~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Present ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"No," Omar groans, "Chiara, this build-up is taking forever. Can't you just skip to the part where you and Violeta get together?"

"We're nearly there, dude."

"Nearly there? Violeta moved back to Barcelona and you've decided to completely forget about her."

"I haven't forgotten about her, alright? I just... it wasn't healthy waiting around for someone that might have never felt the same way."

"Are you kidding me? Chiara, she obviously felt the same way," Omar responds, his voice soft. Comforting.

"Yeah, I know that now," Chiara rolls her eyes, "But back then? Back then I wasn't so sure."


"Listen," Belena says absentmindedly as she walks alongside Chiara towards their photoshoot location, "Our photographer dropped out at the last minute for the shoot so we had to get a different one..."

Chiara shrugs, not looking up from her phone, "Alright. I don't care."

"Yeah, well, here's the thing... the only photographer that was available on such short notice was Paul Thin."

"Paul Thin? Why does that sound familiar..." Chiara's eyes widen, "Oh God, Belena, you didn't..."

"I did," Belena cringes, "I'm sorry, Chiara, but you know how important this shoot is! And Paul does good work and he gave us a reasonable price and –"

How To Disappear - KiVi [Engl.]Where stories live. Discover now