Chapter 10

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Chiara's pretty sure that something's wrong with her clocks.

Because it feels like just yesterday that she had stumbled onto Violeta's doorstep, confessing her feelings in the most ineloquent way possible. She can still remember every word that spilled from Violeta's lips when she had told her she felt the same way - that she'd felt the same way for a while now.

"Happy four months," Violeta grins and throws herself down onto Chiara's couch, legs curling under her body.


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And... fuck. There's no way it's been four months already - either Violeta is lying or Chiara's clocks are lying, but she's pretty sure that it's not Violeta. So, it must be the clocks.

But when she thinks about it, she realizes that maybe her clocks are fine after all. Because yesterday her and Violeta went to the movies, and the day before they spent all afternoon in bed, and she can remember every single day they've spent together for the past 122 days.

She thinks that the phrase time flies when you're having fun should be changed to time flies when you're in love with Violeta Hódar.

"Happy four months," Chiara echoes in return and pushes Violeta back into the arm of the couch, lips hovering over her own, "And to the next four."

"And the four after that, and the four after that, and the four -"

Chiara cuts her off at the 20-month mark, lips crashing down onto Violeta's own. She makes the kiss count, trying to memorize the way that Violeta moves beneath her. She won't let the rest of her life flash by as quickly as the past hundred days have.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Present ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"I'm sorry kids, but we're closing in an hour," An elderly waitress frowns, "You're gonna have to pack this party up."

"Ma'am, do you understand the importance of what we're discussing?" Omar narrows his eyes.

"Ah, you can ignore him, he's had a weird day. We'll be out of your way in a moment," Chiara smiles and kicks Omar under the table.

The waitress sighs and leaves the pair alone to collect their things.

"This can't be the end of the story," Omar says immediately, "You're going to continue, right?"

"Dude, it's almost two in the morning," Chiara rubs at her eyes, "Can we pick this up another time?"

"Nope," Omar folds his arms, "Keep in mind that I'm the one driving, so you can either give me a new location or we're going to my place and continuing this there."

"Fine," Chiara throws her arms up, "Well there's still a chance that you could tie me up and kill me, so we're going back to my place. Does that work?"

"After all this time you really think I could kill you? Please, as long as you're telling this story, I'll keep you alive," Omar rolls his eyes.

"And after I'm finished?"

How To Disappear - KiVi [Engl.]Where stories live. Discover now