Chapter - 4

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Author's pov:

As Abhishek stepped down from the stage, the adrenaline from his performance still coursing through his veins, he made his way towards Kashish, his heart pounding with anticipation and apprehension. Kashish's gaze shifted to him, her expression unreadable, as he approached her.

Abhishek: "Hi, Kashish."

Kashish: silence, her eyes guarded

Abhishek's heart sank at her cold response, knowing the weight of the misunderstanding between them. He desperately wanted to explain, to make things right, but the words caught in his throat.

Abhishek (inner thoughts): I have to make her understand, but how? She thinks I betrayed her, but I couldn't even send that message. How do I break through this barrier she's built around herself?

Kashish (inner thoughts): I hate him for what happened, for making me believe he betrayed me. How can I even look at him without feeling the pain of that betrayal? But a part of me still longs for the truth, for closure.

Abhishek: "Kashish, there's something I need to tell you..."

Kashish: raising an eyebrow, her tone icy "What is it?"

Abhishek: struggling to be heard over the noise of the crowd "It's about that message... I didn't..."

Before Abhishek could finish his sentence, the noise of the party drowned out his words. He glanced around, feeling defeated, realizing that this wasn't the right time to have this conversation. Kashish's expression remained indifferent, her walls still firmly in place.

Abhishek (inner thoughts): She's not in the mood to listen. Maybe it's best to wait for the right moment.

Meanwhile, Ritika, Kashish's friend, appeared by her side, pulling her away from Abhishek with a knowing look. Kashish allowed herself to be led away, her gaze lingering on Abhishek for a moment before she turned away, the distance between them growing with each step.

As Kashish drifted away from him, Abhishek's heart sank with a heavy sense of regret and longing. Watching her walk away, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing that their chance at reconciliation had slipped through his fingers once again.

Abhishek (inner thoughts): I can't let her go like this. I need to find a way to make things right, to tell her the truth. She deserves to know...

With Kashish's departure, Abhishek's realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He finally acknowledged the depth of his feelings for her, understanding that his happiness was inexplicably tied to her presence.

Abhishek (inner thoughts): I like her... No, I more than like her. I care about her deeply. And now that she's transferred, I can't bear the thought of never seeing her again. I have to find her and make things right.

With a newfound determination, Abhishek felt a sense of relief knowing that coming to college had been the right decision after all. He vowed to himself that he would do whatever it takes to find Kashish and set things straight between them.


The next day in the college classroom

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