Chapter - 15

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Author's pov:

As the group returns late from Kempty Falls, the plan to visit Gun Hill is dropped, much to the disappointment of some students. However, the idea of a bonfire night lifts their spirits, and they eagerly anticipate the evening ahead.

Kashish, Ritika, and Shreya chat excitedly about the bonfire, reminiscing about past bonfire nights and eagerly planning for the evening. They gather firewood and set up the bonfire area, adding to the anticipation of the event.

Meanwhile, Abhishek, Rishab, and Harshit discuss their plans for the bonfire, with Abhishek suggesting they sing a song dedicated to Kashish. They eagerly practice their chosen song, eager to impress Kashish with their musical talents.

As the evening falls, the students gather in the resort garden, forming a circle around the crackling bonfire. The warm glow of the flames illuminates their faces as they settle in for a night of laughter and camaraderie.

As the bonfire crackled and cast a warm glow around them, Kashish sat with her friends, chatting and laughing under the starry night sky.

Kashish: grinning "Can you believe we're actually here, experiencing all of this together?"

Ritika: nodding enthusiastically "I know, right? It feels like a dream come true!"

Shreya: giggling "I'm just glad we didn't get lost in the mountains earlier. That was quite an adventure!"

Divya: teasingly "But imagine if we did! We could have built a shelter and survived like true adventurers!"

Kashish: playfully rolling her eyes "Yeah, because surviving a night in the wilderness sounds like so much fun!"

Kashish shares anecdotes and jokes with her friends, while Abhishek steals glances at her from across the fire, his heart filled with anticipation for the song he plans to sing. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and joy as they enjoy the warmth of the fire and the company of good friends.


As the atmosphere grew more eerie with the crackling of the fire casting dancing shadows, Shreya leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper as she began her tale.

Shreya: dramatically "Legend has it that in these very mountains, there lurks a spirit known as the 'Mountain Wraith'."

Ritika: wide-eyed "What does it do?"

Shreya: lowering her voice further "They say it preys on unsuspecting travelers who wander too far from the beaten path. It's said to appear as a shadowy figure, beckoning them deeper into the wilderness, never to be seen again."

Divya: shivering "That's terrifying! Is it true?"

Shreya: smirking "Who knows? But they say those who have encountered the Mountain Wraith speak of an overwhelming feeling of dread, like an icy hand clutching their heart."

Kashish: nervously "I hope we don't run into any spirits on our trip!"

As Shreya spun her tale of the Mountain Wraith, the boys exchanged amused glances, trying to conceal their skepticism.

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