Chapter - 43

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Kashish's POV:

Why is my stomach hurting so much? I've never experienced such intense pain during my periods before. I can't control it.

Ritika: "Next chance is ours. Are you ready?"

I'm not ready, but I have to be. Otherwise, our entire month's preparation for the presentation will go to waste.

"Yess," I reply to Ritika, trying to sound confident. Then, our names are announced as the next participants.

Despite the stomach ache, I gather my courage and step onto the stage with Ritika. We begin our presentation, determined to give it our best shot despite the discomfort.


Abhishek POV:

I am sitting in the audience with Rishab, cheering for our girlfriends as they present. However, my attention keeps drifting back to Kashish. From her face, I can tell that she's not feeling well. She's trying to hide her pain, but it's evident in her eyes. I make a mental note to take her to the doctor once the competition is over.

Rishab: "Come on, Abhishek, let's cheer louder for them!"

Abhishek: "Yeah, you're right. Let's show them our support!"

Rishab: "They're doing great, aren't they?"

Abhishek: "Yeah, they are. But something seems off with Kashish. I think she's in pain."

Rishab: "Really? Should we go check on her?"

Abhishek: "No, let's wait until after the competition. Then, I'll take her to the doctor."

Rishab nodded in agreement, and we continued to cheer for our girlfriends, hoping they would perform well.

As their presentation comes to an end, I notice Kashish's condition worsening. Suddenly, she faints on stage. Without a second thought, I bolt towards the stage, my heart pounding with worry.

Abhishek: "Kashish!"

I reach her and gently cradle her in my arms, trying to wake her up. Ritika looks on, her face filled with nervousness and concern.

Abhishek: "Ritika, please stay calm. I'll take Kashish to the infirmary. Don't worry, she'll be okay."

With Kashish in my arms, I rush out of the auditorium, making my way to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

Author's pov:

As Kashish slowly regains consciousness, she finds herself in Abhishek's arms. A sense of dizziness lingers, but as she becomes more aware of her surroundings, she notices the warmth of Abhishek's embrace. She feels a rush of relief wash over her, knowing that he's there to support her.

Kashish: groaning softly "Abhishek..."

She blinks her eyes open, her vision slightly blurry at first. As clarity returns, she sees Abhishek's concerned expression, his eyes filled with worry and care.

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