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As The Strongest Kunoichi, Sakura Haruno has learned to overcome her nerves and remain calm in difficult situations.

On the one hand, the pinkette was one of the main pillars of the Hidden Leaf. Sakura was the director of the Hidden Leaf Hospital and was also currently working on The Children's Therapy Center For Orphans. On top of that, she was a teacher of medical ninjutsu.

For that, she needed steady hands and an empty mind.

On the other hand, Sakura always tried to make time for her friends. She desperately needed to control her mouth and keep her fists to herself each time her former teammate Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth to comment on something or yap endlessly.

But there was one certain thing, a certain someone who always managed to make her heart leap up her throat. A certain raven haired man who made her feel all fuzzy and warm inside. A certain former teammate who flooded her thoughts each time she left work and entered her quiet home.

Sasuke Uchiha, the man of her dreams.


"Forehead!" Ino shouted, slamming her hands onto Sakura's desk. The pinkette's head shot to and she looked around rapidly, her green eyes darting around her office in a frantic pace.

"God, calm down," Sakura grumbled and rubbed her temples after regaining her composure, "what were you saying?"

Sakura had fallen asleep in her office last night - the consequence of her constantly overworking and overexaggerating herself. Documents were scattered all over her desk and were even on the ground after Ino's dramatic outburst.

"Girl, it's my wedding day!" her blonde best friend announced and grinned from ear to ear, walking around the table to pull Sakura to her feet, "it's time to get ready."

Even though the Haruno was exhausted and barely managed to keep her eyes open, she was thrilled for her best friend. In a swift motion, Sakura threw on her light brown coat which was folded neatly in a drawer of her desk.

Ino already began to drag Sakura out of the room as the med-nin hastily wrapped her self-knitted scarf around her neck and locked the door behind them.

Winters in the Hidden Leaf were short but merciless, especially the constant snowfall. Sakura and Ino hurried through the white streets, feeling cold snowflakes on their skins. It was freezing.

Little white particles were visible in Sakura's pink hair as she clung to her best friend's arm, desperately trying to keep herself warm.

"Couldn't you wait until summer, spring at least?" the pinkette whined and rubbed her hands together, her voice barely audible above the crunching of the snow beneath their feet, "he proposed a week ago, you pig, a week!"

Ino let out a high-pitched squeal and increased her pace, dragging Sakura along with her. "I know right? We'll be husband and wife today!", she exclaimed loudly, joy written all over her face. Sakura rolled her eyes as Ino dodged her question, but couldn't help but smile. Her best friend's happiness was important to her.

And with that, the best friends rushed towards the Yamanaka household to get Ino ready for her special day. The weather was freezing, but Sakura felt strangely warm. Warm, however not quite complete without him.

Sakura finished the final touch on her best friend's hair and looked at her reflection in the mirror in front of them. She squealed excitedly and wrapped her arms around Ino from behind, hugging her tightly.

"Stop, I'm crying already," Ino complained but placed her hands on Sakura's arms. The pinkette had helped her get ready for the past two hours and has finally finished her hair. The blonde was wearing a white, tight wedding dress which accentuated her curves. Normally, Sakura would've been envious about Ino's body but right now, she could only feel happiness.

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