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It indeed wasn't 'just one bottle'.

Sakura was stumbling through the crowded hall, clutching her head tightly. She desperately ached for air, feeling as if she was about to suffocate. The pinkette had never been good at handling alcohol and refused to touch any ever since Naruto and Hinata's wedding.

Sakura had no idea what had gotten into her this time, even thinking about how she could relax. Sober Sakura would've punched drunk Sakura for her own stupidity. She pushed past the guests, not even hearing clearly anymore as she continued to make her way towards the exit.

Not only did her head pound, her feet were throbbing aswell. Wearing heals wasn't the best decision, considering the fact that she was literally about to snap her ankle with each wobbly step she took.

On her way, Sakura managed to make out Naruto chugging down another bottle of Sake and Hinata clinging to his side. Ino and Sai were still on the dancefloor, their mouths basically glued to one another.

After finally reaching the exit, her pale hand searched for the doorknob, but she didn't manage to grasp it properly. "Shannaro," she grumbled under her breath, using her last ounce of strength to kick the door open - not that anybody noticed.

Once outside, Sakura inhaled deeply, as if trying to fill her lungs with fresh air. The cold air hit her like a punch to the gut, but it didn't compare to the pain in her head. The pinkette stood on the powdered ground, the cold snow reaching her bare ankles.

Everything was blurry. She couldn't make out anything around her properly anymore, only felt the light snowflakes touch her boiling hot skin. Sakura's emerald eyes darted around, trying to find something to focus on, until they landed on... someone.

Even though Sakura was on the verge of throwing up, she felt her heart leap up to her throat. Without being able to make out the person's face clearly, she recognised him immediately. She didn't move a muscle as she stared at him blankly, as if looking right through him.

"Sakura, huh?"

And that was when everything went black. If it was the exhaustion, the alcohol or his voice that caused her body to give up, Sakura didn't know. Her body tilted to the side as she fell into a state of unconsciousness, yet she never hit the snowy ground.


That day in the morning, while Sakura was at work, Sasuke's letter had arrived, the first one he had ever written to her. The Uchiha was on his way back home, back to her.

meet me at the gate, midday.

Sasuke snuck into the village, not willing to contact Kakashi, the Sixth Hokage, just yet. The only person he wanted to see right now was Sakura. The Uchiha waited around a corner, constantly biting the inside of his cheek to suppress the longing and impatience that's been building up inside him for so long.

When Sakura didn't come, Sasuke felt a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him. Even though he was sure that she would wait for him, his insecurities started to nag him as weeks, months and even years passed.

'Someone will catch her eye.'
'Sakura will fall in love.'
'She will forget me.'
'I won't be able to return the love she's always felt for me.'

To confirm or deny his prior suspicion, the ravenhead started to look for her. He lifted his cape over his head, suppressed his chakra and mingled with the villagers, always on alert and ready to react if needed.

Suddenly, when Sasuke was about to take a turn, he stopped in his tracks. His eyes landed on the pinkette he's known for so long, the one who was consistently sticking to him and never gave up her love for him. Despite the merciless snow, Sasuke felt a slight warmth spread through his chest as he watched Sakura rush through the streets with Ino.

His mismatched eyes softened just a bit when he took in her appearance, a stark contrast to the girl with a big temper he once knew.

Sakura's pink hair was a bit shorter now, stopping just above her shoulders. Her eyes were still the same, the same emerald orbs Sasuke had always resisted when she pleaded him to stay. The pink colour of her hair resembled cherry blossoms even in the snow, making Sasuke feel as if a gentle sun was breaking through the icy walls around him he had built with such determination.

It didn't take long for Sasuke to follow them, listening to them talk. He couldn't even hear Ino properly, feeling as if Sakura's gentle voice hypnotised him. Soon enough, he heard about the Yamanaka's wedding and decided to postpone his return, not wanting to ruin it by appearing uninvited.

Throughout the rest of the day, Sasuke barely made himself noticeable, his only interactions being the ones with stray cats and feeding them with some leftover bread he had with him.

The day was over quickly, and the short break the snow had granted the village was over aswell. The streets were filled with piles of snow, a testament of the coldhearted season.

Wanting to see Sakura just for another second, Sasuke ignored the more reasonable way and headed straight towards his former teammate's chakra. Her familiar, warm chakra.

But just as Sasuke approached the Konoha Stadium - which he had now found out was used to host events - he suddenly stood in front of the girl, no, the woman he had longed for all these empty and hollow years.

"Sakura, huh?"


The night was quiet and lifeless, a perfect opportunity for Sasuke to use some of his strength. He replaced his missing arm with a small part of his Susanoo, managing to carry the unconscious pinkette through the snowy streets.

Even without trying, Sakura looked effortlessly beautiful. Sasuke couldn't stop looking at her, taking in all her delicate features. His cape he had wrapped around her to keep her warm, the dark colour bringing out her face even more.

The Uchiha's dark eyes scanned every inch of her pale skin, as if trying to memorise it. Her usually tinted cheeks were just as white as the snow around them, her lips barely pink aswell.

'Soft...,' Sasuke thought to himself but quickly cursed under his breath, refusing to let such thoughts enter his messed up mind. He continued to walk slowly, the snow crunching beneath his feet as the only sound in the quiet village.

Even though he didn't like to admit why, Sasuke knew exactly where her new house was. Upon his arrival there, he picked the door with practised ease and walked inside, suddenly feeling as if he was being filled up with life.

The ravenhead inhaled deeply, her sweet, unique scent filling the air as he looked around. Sasuke didn't want to be snooping, which is why he quickly looked through the rooms in an attempt to find her own.

Sasuke placed Sakura onto her bed ever so gently, treating her as if she was the most fragile figure. The Uchiha reached for her blanket and tucked her in carefully, wanting nothing more than for her to be warm during this cold night.

His dark orbs darted towards her nightstand, where a certain photo was framed neatly. Sasuke kneeled beside the bed, resting his chin on the wooden surface of the bed table as he took in every detail of the photo, the first one Sakura, Naruto and him had taken as Team 7.

The Uchiha ran his rough thumb over the small Haruno's face, a faint, barely noticeable smile tugging at his usually unmoving lips. He turned his head to look at the woman beside him, the moonlight casting a glow upon her face, making Sakura look almost angelic.

"Thank you," Sasuke murmured almost inaudibly before standing up and walking around the bed with quiet steps. His heart felt lighter than it had in years, and he felt as if he had finally found it. The place he could maybe, just maybe, call home one day. With her.


my second chapter, woop woop!
i really enjoyed switching up the pov after a while actually. at first i was unsatisfied with the way i had written, but as the chapter neared its end, i was really happy with my writing.
i didn't mean to make sasuke this attached already but i couldn't help it. for me, he's always cared about her and never stopped, so i needed him to think this way here.
it still won't be fast-paced, because conscious sakura and talking sasuke have muuuch to do.


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