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The couple's next stop would've been the Uzumaki residence once again, but Sasuke was against it, like entirely against it. Because of that, the Uchiha told Sakura to finish up at the hospital while he would speak to the Sixth Hokage about their departure.

And with that, the pinkette took a turn and started to walk towards the hospital. A small smile graced her flushed face, her thoughts still flooded with pictures of the Uchiha.

The puddles beneath her feet splashed gently as she strolled, light rays of sunshine now caressing her face. Lost in thought, the Haruno suddenly bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so-," the Haruno began softly, her emerald orbs focusing on the familiar figure in front of her. When Sakura looked into the light blue eyes she knew all too well, she spoke up, "watch where you're going, pig!"

Ino huffed dramatically and stuck out her tongue at the pinkette. However, she wasn't in the mood for bickering right now. Instead, she linked her arm with Sakura's and wiggled with her eyebrows mischievously, whispering, "so? Did Sasuke-kun bring you the flowers?"

Sakura blushed deeply, covering her mouth to suppress a small squeal as she started to giggle. Ino joined in quickly, and soon the two best friends were laughing together. "I didn't know he asked you! That makes it even cuter, more adorable, oh my god, Ino!" Sakura rambled, her cheeks now the same colour as her pink hair.

The Yamanaka squealed, waving her free hand as she covered her left eye with her light blonde hair. "Sakura... I'm so gloomy and dark, but you'll be my cherry blossom," Ino mumbled in a low tone, earning a smack at the back of her head from Sakura.

Her blush deepened again, but soon, chuckles were bubbling up her throat. "Pig, I didn't have the chance to tell you yet, but..." Sakura muttered shyly, looking down as the blonde's eyes widened.

"You two did it already?!" the Yamanaka shouted loudly, causing a few heads to turn and give them weird looks. Sakura let out a yelp at the sudden scream and shook her head rapidly. "Sh-shut up!" the pinkette defended weakly.

"We just... kissed."

The two young woman squealed again, walking through the calm streets side by side. Their excited chatters filled the air around them, casting a light atmosphere around them. Sakura told her best friend everything about her Sasuke, to which Ino responded just as eagerly with many different stories of her Sai.

And to think that they were both obsessed with the Uchiha back in the days...


"Shizune-san, are you sure?" Sakura asked softly, handing over the final stack of documents to her close friend, "I don't want to be a burden..."

The brunette lifted her finger, giving the worried pinkette a gentle smile. "A burden? Sakura. You've been drowning in documents until Sasuke-san arrived. Take a break, I'll handle everything here."

The young Haruno woman kept staring at Shizune with her big eyes, her fiddling fingers a testament to her indecisiveness. Her colleague nodded reassuringly, gently ushering Sakura out of the office and towards the exit, handing her her coat and scarf.

With one final smile, Sakura left the hospital and stepped into the cool air once again. At the foot of the stairs stood a certain young man, looking up at the pinkette coldly - was what an outsider would say.

But for Sakura, she saw the most beautiful man in the world, her Sasuke Uchiha. One may label his expression as cold, but all he felt and intended was pure adoration and care.

The Haruno quickly joined Sasuke's side and gave him a small smile to which he replied with his usual silence. Their thoughts were filled with hopes for the future, especially their journey together. Without saying a single word, they understood eachother. Knew eachother.

While Sakura was starting pack a small bag for the upcoming journey, Sasuke insisted to try and make his favourite dish; tomato soup. As a child, he always loved eating together with his family after a long day of playing or training.

A gentle aroma filled the air and the pinkette smiled to herself while arranging her food pills neatly. She didn't pack much, only what she thought was essential; a fresh change of clothes, food and water, aswell as hairties for performing medical ninjutsu or fighting, and her food pills.

Upon entering the kitchen, Sakura sighed contently. Sasuke barely even registered her presence as he was busy struggling against an onion which refused to let him cut it with his one hand.

The Haruno approached him with small steps, giggling as she held onto the onion with her tender hand. The ravenhead paused for a moment, staring at her fingers before finally being able to cut the vegetable.

"It smells really good, Sasuke-kun." Sakura praised kindly, admiring the soup which was boiling on the stove. The kitchen looked neat, as it he had been cleaning up every trace he left as soon as it appeared.

"Hn," he grumbled quietly, but there was a hint of a smile playing on his lips, "mother used to make it." Sakura's eyes lit up as she looked at him curiously, raising her eyebrows.

Sasuke couldn't help but let out a soft snort at her enthusiasm, gently nudging her with his shoulder before replying calmly, "Itachi was the one who had the idea. Of course, whatever he said was always what I wanted to hear."

Sakura giggled softly, leaning against the counter as she watched Sasuke stir the soup. "They're proud of you," she replied sweetly, watching him work before continuing, "and I am too."


After having dinner together, the couple ended the day quickly. Sasuke stayed in Sakura's room once more, neither of them bearing to stay apart from eachother.

The pinkette snuggled deeper into the comforting blankets as she looked up at Sasuke with big eyes, her green orbs shimmering under the dim light. The Uchiha was just removing his shirt, causing Sakura to blush deeply and hide under the blanket.

He joined her on the bed once he noticed that she had hidden, rolling his eyes. Sasuke was met with Sakura's flushed face once he had removed the blanket from her head, staring at her with soft eyes. She chuckled shyly, tilting her head innocently.

Without a word, Sasuke turned her onto her side gently and slipped his arm around her waist from behind, pulling her back into his chest. Sakura could feel his heart thumping against her shoulder blade, the feeling somehow managing to calm her down.

The pinkette intertwined their fingers over her stomach reassuringly, closing her eyes with a content smile on her face. Sasuke inhaled deeply, trying to smell as much of her sweet scent as possible. Her soft pink strands tickled his cheeks, but he didn't mind. Not at all.

Once Sakura started to doze off, Sasuke nuzzled his nose into her neck. He couldn't believe how soft her skin was, how fragile it seemed. Closing his eyes, the Uchiha still saw her face in front of him clearly, as if she was still gazing at him with her beautiful eyes.

His grip on her tightened just a bit as he drifted off to sleep, as if trying to hold onto his treasure even in his dreams.

And one thing was for certain; he would never let go of her again.


this chapter kinda sucks, and i'm not as motivated as i was before... i envy the writers who can write dooozens of chapters without giving up, but i also admire them. i might end this book after the next chapter though.
thank you for all the reads and votes!


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