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Sakura hated missing work.

Sasuke's arrival made her want to take a day off and she allowed herself to spend the day with him, but her bad conscience kept nagging her. That's why she stood up extra early with fierce determination to get much work done today.

The pinkette stood up before sunrise, walking out of her room carefully. Before she could even bring herself to walk to the bathroom, she couldn't help but sneak a glance at Sasuke.

The gentle affection Sasuke was giving her earlier that night, or since he's been back, actually, made her heart swell. She wasn't used to this at all, but Sakura figured that it was his way of making up for everything. And she loved every second of it.

Sasuke was curled up in a ball on the futon, his blanket wrapped around him tightly. The dim lit room made his usually serious face look peaceful, innocent even. Sakura felt a smile tug at her lips as she looked at him, feeling warm and content.

Before she left for work, the Haruno decided to write a note for Sasuke, not wanting him to worry unnecessarily.

'Dear Sasuke-kun,
I went to the hospital early today and will probably return for dinner, so don't worry about me!
Have a great day and make sure to eat enough. There's food in the fridge.

Once the Uchiha had read the note, he felt a sudden twinge of sadness of not seeing her all day. But Sasuke quickly shook it off and stretched his limbs, walking to the bathroom to get the day started with a hot shower.


Because Sasuke didn't have anything better to do, he decided to see his former sensei Kakashi, the Sixth Hokage, for the first time since his arrival.

The Uchiha stomped through the snowy streets, deep in thought. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration as he couldn't make sense of that sudden warmth that lingered in his heart.

He didn't know he was capable of being as affectionate as he was towards the pinkette earlier that night, but he was. And for some reason, he didn't mind.

But Sasuke did know why he was trying, why he desperately tried to make her feel happy. He knew that his sins were unforgivable, and he would hate himself for committing them each day.

The ravenhead vowed that he'd do everything in his power to make Sakura trust him again, wholeheartedly. And until then, he didn't mind putting his - now not so big - ego and pride aside for just a bit.

Upon reaching the Hokage Residence, Sasuke didn't waste any time and went straight to Kakashi's office. He barged into the room as if it were the most casual thing in the world and looked at his former sensei who was just speaking to some ANBU members.

The desk Kakashi was sitting at was flooded with papers and books, a testament to the true responsibilities of a Hokage. Sasuke looked around warily, eyeing the portraits of the former leaders of the Hidden Leaf. He respected them, especially since he's met their reincarnated versions. But since then, he's also felt a bit uneasy when seeing their faces.

Once The Sixth noticed Sasuke, he quickly dismissed the Black Ops and folded his hands, resting his head on them. "Ah, Sasuke, made some time for me, eh?" the Hokage asked lightly, his eyes closing as he supposedly smiled under his mask.

The Sixth had always been lighthearted, hiding his true emotions beneath a smile (or rather that mask of his). And he was grateful that mask was there, or else his exhausted features would speak volumes about his... beloved position.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝒮𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓊𝓃𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑒  |  𝗦𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗲 𝘅 𝗦𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗿𝗮Where stories live. Discover now