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Isabella got out of her car and started walking to the NovaCare Complex. She was wearing an oversized signature green Eagles shirt with black leggings. And her backpack full of her camera equipment and laptop.

She made her way to the practice field and pulled out her camera. Isabella has been a photographer for the Eagles for 2 years now. She grew up in Texas and went to Texas Tech where she got her major in photography. She then moved to Cincinnati for an internship for the Bengals. After her internship ended she received a job offer from the Eagles and she took it. She took the job for many reasons, one of them being she was closer to New York for her music.

"Are you getting my good side?" Jason teases Isabella while walking in front of the camera doing silly poses.
"What good side?" Isabella jokes and Jason throws his hand towel at her.
"I hate you." Isabella laughs.
"We both know that's a lie." She replies then throws his towel back to him.
"True," Jason says and catches the towel.
"By the way, Kylie wanted me to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner. Also so you can finally meet Wyatt." Isabella perked up.
"I would love to!" She said with excitement.

Isabella and Kylie had become good friends over the two years Isabella has worked but during the off-season, she didn't get to see her friend as much since she spent most of the off-season in New York working on her music. And especially now that Kylie had Wyatt both girls were pretty busy.

"Great! See ya at 6?" He said
"Sounds good. I have a meeting after work but I'll head over that." She replied and he gave her two thumbs up.


After Training camp was over for the day Isabella packed up her camera and then headed to the conference room for her meeting.

"All right let's get started... This meeting is not going to be an easy one. Because of some budget cuts in our department, we're going to have to let some of you go." gasps were heard around the room. Isabella started to get nervous.
"If you are cut you will be getting an email later today around 7... and your last day will be Saturday... but enough of that for now if you have any questions, let me know. but let's get to the rest of the week's schedule."


Isabella drove to the Kelce house with a knot in her stomach. She didn't want to assume her job was safe so she started to think of all of her backup options. She knew she could go back to the Cincinnati and the Bengals but she didn't necessarily want to. Of course, she would love to live near and work with her best friends but Ohio wasn't her favorite place to live. Kansas City was also probably an option as she had gotten a good offer from them a long time ago. But that was a big no for Isabella. She left Texas for the very same reason as rejecting the chiefs. Her ex-boyfriend.

Isabella pulled up to her destination then went to the from door and knocked. The door opened and Isabella was pulled into a hug.
"Oh, how I have missed you," Kylie said then pulled away.
"I've missed you too. How have you been? Which ones worse? Being trapped with a screaming baby? Or Jason." Isabella teased then stuck out her tongue at Jason who was giving her the finger. Kylie didn't answer but gave her a knowing look.
"Aw... and you must be Baby Wyatt," Isabella said once she saw Wyatt in her high chair.

"So how's your music career going?" Kylie asked Isabella as she was feeding Wyatt.
"Good. I finished my album so I'm waiting for it to be approved and a release date." Isabella explained. "That's exciting I'm so proud of you," Jason said to Isabella. She smiled at the compliment.
"That's amazing Bella," Kylie added. Isabella felt her Apple watch buzz and her stomach dropped.
"What's wrong?" Kylie asked as she saw the look on her friend's face.
"Well, um, my department is making cuts... said we would get an email at 7 if we were cut... and I just got an email," Isabella said with disappointment.
"Hey, it might be an email telling you now to worry," Kylie told her but Isabelle knew that probably wasn't the case.

Isabella pulled out her phone and then opened the email app.

To Isabella Cooper.
Due to budget cuts in your department. We are sad to let you know that we will have to let you go... We are so glad we got to be a part of your amazing career as a sports photographer but sad our journey together has to end. Don't be afraid to use us as a reference as we would love to help you find a new job.

Isabella laid her phone on the table and then ran her hands through her hair out of stress.
"I was cut." She informs them. Kylie walks over to her and hugs her.
"Let me see what I can do," Jason said but Isabella shook her head.
"No, it's ok. They will still cut someone else and it's not fair if someone else gets cut because of me." She explains.
"Do you have a backup plan?" Kylie asks Isabella. "Well, I have two options. Go back to Cincinnati. Or just pursue music." Isabella sighs.
"Yeah, it's going to be hard to find a job with pre-season just around the corner. Most of the jobs are already filled." Jason says and Kylie hits him.
"Not helpful." She says while glaring at him.
"I'm sure there are teams out there who would love to have you." Kylie encourages her.
"Yeah, do you have any old job offers? It wouldn't hurt to revisit them." Jason said with a shrug.
"Just one... Kansas City Chiefs." She mumbled but Jason still heard her.
"That's a good one! My brother plays for them. You should really consider them."

Isabella cringes at the idea and Kylie notices.
"He's not wrong Bella... besides it's been years since the last time you saw him. Don't you think he's probably moved on? I mean you have. Right?" Kylie asked, Jason looked at the both of them confused. "I'm lost." He said and Kylie gave him a look to be quiet.
"Yeah, you're right... maybe I should get in contact with them and if it doesn't work out, I'll go back to Cincinnati." Isabella said then checked the time.
"I should get going... I have people to contact and you guys have a cute little baby to take care of." She said then stood up giving both of them a hug.
"You're always welcome here. If you need anything let me know." Jason said while walking her to the door.
"Thanks, Jason." Isabella smiled then turned to leave.
"Call me when you figure everything out!" She hears Kylie yell.
"I will! Goodnight!" She yells back then goes to her car.


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