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Isabella and Patrick walked into the club and were immediately greeted by Travis.
"What up girly! Looking good...Pat." He said while hugging Isabella and dabbing up Patrick.
Isabella was wearing a mesh top with a black skirt. And black boots (No jacket)

"Thanks, Trav! Love the pants

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"Thanks, Trav! Love the pants." Isabella complimented his funky printed pants.
"Thank you, thank you, what do you guys want to drink?" Travis asked them both.
"Coors Light" Patrick responds.
"How about you Bella? We are celebrating..."
Isabella rolled her eyes.
"Fine, I will have one Lemond drop martini." Travis cheered.
"Coming right up." He said then left the two.

Isabella and Patrick went to the dance floor and started dancing with the crowd. Isabella and Tyreek laughed at Patrick's awkward, stiff dance moves.
"Maybe stick to Quarterback." Tyreek laughed while they were laughing Travis brought them their drinks.
"Thanks, man," Patrick said then took a few sips.
Isabella grabbed hers and drank it. She cringed at the burn down her throat.
"Atta girl!" Travis hyped her and she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see a clearly drunk Brad.
"I thought you don't party? Or drink?" He said in a taunting way.
"Only on special occasions." She said then walked away from him. She walked over to the bar and returned her glass.
"Hey, can I get two more of whatever she's drinking?" He asked the bartender. Isabella shook her head.
"I don't want another one." Brad rolled his eyes.
"Come onnnn it's just a drink." he slurs. Isabella just ignores him and walks back to the others but Brad grabs her wrist.
"Why are you being like this? You will drink and party with them but not with me?" He said offended.
"Their not being rude and pushy," Isabella mumbled.
"You such a-" Isabella put her hand up to stop him.
"I'm going to stop you right there. Have a good night." She said then turned to leave but Brad grabbed her wrist again but much tighter.
"Let go of me." Patrick saw it and walked over to them.
"Let go of her." He said while glaring at Brad.
"Chill dude we were just talking," Brad said not letting go.
"Isabella? Is he bothering you?" Travis asked as he walked over to them. Isabella gave Brad a look.
Brad huffed then let go of her.
"Whatever..." He mumbled then walked away.
"Thanks, guys... he was just being a jerk," Isabella said.
"Doesn't he work with you?" Travis asks and Isabella nods.
"Unfortunately." She answered.
"Well if he bothers you again let me know," Travis said then walked away.
"Are you ok?" Patrick asked Isabella. He knew overly drunk people made her nervous. She runs her fingers in her hair.
"Yeah... I'm fine." She gave him a smile but he could tell it was forced.
"Well, I'm ready to leave whenever you are. Do you want to go now?" Patrick asked and she nodded.


"Hey, can we talk for a second?" Patrick asked as he pulled up to her apartment building.
"Sure... wanna come in?" She asked and he turned off his car. As soon as they went into her apartment Isabella took off her boots and got a glass of water.
"Water?" She offered and he shook his head. They both sat on the couch.
"I wanted to apologize for what my mom said... She doesn't have a filter but it's no excuse. She shouldn't have said that and I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." He apologized and Isabella bit her lip.
"It's ok Patrick..." Isabella began to say but he cut her off.
"She's right you know... I hated the way things ended between us."He said and Isabella became nervous at the topic.
"Yeah... me too." She answered honestly.
"I'm so sorry Izzy, I made the worst decision of my life when I chose her over you. I should have fought harder for you and I regretted it every day." He admitted. Isabella had tears in her eyes.
"Why did you choose her? Why did you stay with her? What was wrong with me?" her voice cracked.
" Nothing was wrong with you... I was an arrogant Idiot who didn't know what he had till he lost the most important thing in his life. And I- I don't know why I stayed with her. I knew I had lost you and I thought maybe I could make it work but I never truly loved her like I love you." Isabella felt her stomach drop. She ran her hands through her hair and wiped her tears.
"I love you, Isabella. I always have." He admitted.
"Patrick... I- I don't know what to say." Isabella stood up and started pacing. Her mind was going a mile a minute.
"I think you should go." She said and looked at him.
"Izzy..." He begins to say.
"No. Just give me time ok? Please leave." She said and he nodded. Isabella was so overwhelmed with emotions and could feel a panic attack.
"OK. I'll go... I'm sorry Izzy... for everything." He said and left.

Patrick sat in his car debating if he should leave or not. He didn't want to leave but also wanted to respect her wishes. Patrick hesitantly, drove back house praying he didn't just ruin everything.

Isabella tried to take a few deep breaths but it wasn't working. Her hands were shaking and her breaths were short. She was becoming increasingly hot and Her legs were becoming weak so she sat on her couch. With her shaky hands, she grabbed her phone and called the one person who could help her.

"Hey, Izzy I was planning on calling you soon but got busy. What's up?" Isabella heard Joe's voice but couldn't say anything.
"Izzy?" She started to sob at the nickname.
"Hey, it's ok... Take a few deep breaths with me. In... out..." Joe instructed her and she followed.
"Again. In... out..." Isabella tried to do it again but panic had overtaken her and she started to panic even more.
"J-Joe. I can't." She managed to get out. She was on the verge of hyperventilating
"You're doing great Isabella. I'm going to switch to FaceTime." He told her and she answered it.

Once Joe saw her, he knew what she needed. She talked her through a few more deep breaths and got her to calm down a little.

"Alright, Isabella. I know this is going to be hard but walk to the bathroom." Isabella shook her head.
"Isabella you trust me right?" She nodded and then walked over to her bathroom.
"Step in the shower." She knew what Joe wanted her to do and set the phone outside her shower.

When Isabella moved to Ohio she and Joe had become friends and were hanging out one day when the news that quarterback Patrick Mahomes was dating Brittany Matthew. All the memories and pain came at Isabella all at once. Isabella excused herself and went to the bathroom. Luckily out of panic, she forgot to lock the door. Joe went to check up on her and saw her having a panic attack. Joe immediately knew what to do since he faced the same attacks himself. He calmed her down a little, then picked her up and put her in the shower. He had learned that the cold water shocked the body and cleared the thoughts of anything else except the temperature. After Isabella had fully calmed down, she thanked Joe and apologized. But Joe didn't need an apology. He knew what it was like to have panic attacks and was glad he could help.
After that, their friendship began to grow deeper.

"Turn it to cold." Isabella listened and her body tensed at the water all her brain could think about was how cold the water was.
"Take a few more breaths, Isabella." And she did.
"Good. Turn off the water." She turned the water off and wrapped a towel around herself.
"Alright now, changed into sweats. Keep me on the phone and turn your camera off." Isabella didn't say anything but did it and turned her camera back on when she laid on her bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her and she nodded.


What are your thoughts so far??
What do you think of Joe's and Isabella's relationship?

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