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Once she got home Isabella stayed up all night reaching out to NFL teams and putting out her application in hopes that she would get a response soon. Sighing in stress she ran her hands through her hair and closed her laptop then went to the bathroom and did her nightly skin care routine. She then changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed.

The next morning Isabella got up and ready for work then fixed herself oatmeal for breakfast. As she was eating she decided to text one of her best friends from Cincinnati.

It's your lucky day! I might be moving back to Ohio!!!

Joey B 🧡
Please tell me you're joking.

Nope 👎 I got cut from the Eagles so I might have to come back to Ohio... Unless I get a job somewhere else.

Incoming Call, Joey B 🧡

"Helloooo?" Isabella answered the call while putting her bowl into the sink and heading out the door.
"Hey, Are you ok?" Joe asked worried.

Even though he acted like he disliked Isabella they both knew that wasn't the case. During Isabella's internship, she and Joe had become close friends. Almost like brother and sister. She would annoy him and he would act like he didn't want anything do to with her but she always knew that Joe cared for her. It was the sibling relationship she always wanted but didn't get to have with her brother.

"Doing great. Stayed up all night sending my résumé an application to NFL teams." Isabella tells him.

Joe knew Isabella well enough to know that she was using sarcasm and fake enthusiasm to hide her actual feelings but decided not to mention it.

"Which teams?" Joe asked curiously.
"Hm... Dolphins, Stealers, Chargers, and the Chiefs. Are the main ones."
She answered, then started driving to work.
"Well, I can tell you not to work for the Stealers," Joe said, and Isabella chuckled.
"Don't worry it was kinda a backup plan if the Bengals didn't want me back." She told him.
"Don't worry you know they love you here... what about the chiefs? Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked knowing of her past with their quarterback.
"Well, a while back they gave me a really good offer...I've moved on And besides I'm sure we will both be too busy to acknowledge each other's presence." She explained.
"Well, let me know where you decide to go and if it's back to Ohio let me know even quicker so I can mentally prepare." He jokes.
"Rude. Your girlfriend would love for me to come back and deep down inside I know you would too." She argues back.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll talk to you soon Bye, Izzy."
"Bye, Joey." She replied, then hung up the phone.

Isabella was taking photos of the team like she normally does when her supervisor came up to her. "Hey, do you have a second?" Isabella stood up and nodded.
"Of course Ms.Madden how can I help you?" She asked politely.
"I just wanted to let you know how sad I am that we will be letting go of our best photographer. I'm truly sorry about your cut." She said.
"Oh, it's ok... I get it. Can I ask why you decided to cut me?" Isabella asked curiously.
"There's a few reasons, Out of everyone, we knew that you would be able to get a better job. And based on the others you have a different style of photography than the Eagles would like." She explained but Isabella was still confused. "Different style?" She questioned.
"Your social media style is very young compared to the others. This is great for some teams but others have an older fan base..." Isabella nodded.
"Oh ok, I get it. Well, thanks for letting me know." She said gratefully.
"Of course, you will be greatly missed." She said then walked away.


After work, Isabella went straight home and checked her email and was surprised to see 3 emails from different teams in her inbox. Two of them were emails telling her that the position she wanted was filled but if that position became available they would let her know. The other one was from the Kansas City Chiefs.

To Isabella Cooper,

Thank you so much for reaching out. Our offer still stands and would love to have you. Please give us a call at (***)***-***. So we can talk about contracts and paperwork.

Isabella read the email with her mouth open in shock. She got the job and that meant moving. She started searching for apartments in Kansas City or close by and found a 2-bed, 2-bathroom, and a half-bathroom apartment. She was about to click on the button to contact the owner but was interrupted by her phone's ding.

Why I'm I finding out from Joe that you might be moving back?!?!?!?

I was going to text you this morning but Joe called me! Then I was going to call you after work but I got caught up. Besides looks like I won't be moving to
Ohio anymore... I'm moving to Missouri!!

Aw man! I was hoping you would move back here!
But im still happy for you!

Thanks! Don't worry I'll still come and visit!

After finishing her conversation with Clare, Isabella contacted the landlord about the apartment and talked to him about renting it. She then texted Kylie and Joe about her moving like she told them she would then decided to get ready for bed.


This book is not going to be super accurate about football / Joe Burrows career!

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