Davis & Liam - My Prince Charming

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Davis and Liam are from Finding You. They do not have a big part in the story but have had some people want to know more about them. I have posted this as a bonus chapter in Finding You but wanted to post it in here. 

When Davis Met Liam

                                                                                   D A V I S

Am I ever going to get out of this hell hole? I have been trapped in this awful world of human trafficking since...well I really don't know what age I was. Is that pathetic that I can't even remember?

I was just sold again to someone named Montes. I have heard this person is ruthless, but no one has ever seen Montes. Except for maybe my new boss Tony. He is not bad as some of the other's I have had, but he is a crazy son of a bitch. So I try to stay on his good side as much as possible.

"Munch!" I pinch the bridge of my nose because I hate that damn nickname. I remember to keep my head down as I walk into his office.

"You called sir."

"Look at me." I lift my head up and he gives me a wicked smile. "You've done good kid." My mouth gapes open because I'm not used to this kind of praise. Usually I get beaten up or tortured.

"Thank you sir "

Then he laughs and I look confused. Is he messing with me?

"Relax kid. Take the night off."

I'm speechless. Why would he do this?

"It's not like you are going to run away. We always find the ones that do."

I nod my head because I know he's not lying. One time I tried to and it almost cost me my life. I may not like this hell hole I live in, but I don't want to die. I have hope one day to get out of this. Even if that hope is far fetched.

"Thank you." I say again as I go to leave.

"Oh, and Munch." I pause at the door and turn around. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Yes?" He throws a wad of cash at me and I catch it with ease.

"If you find any potentials for buyers let me know right away." I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. "Yes sir." With that I hurry out the door.

I rush to my room and change into something a little nicer than the torn shirt I have on. I decide to keep my ripped jeans and settle for a snug grey T-shirt.

Upon leaving Tweedle dumb and dumber try to stop me until they get the okay from Tony. The moment I step out without anyone following me I take a deep breath of fresh air and smile. I may not be free, but I am free for this moment.

My phone buzzed and I see a text from Tony saying I have until midnight.

What the fuck am I Cinderella or something?

I look at my watch and see I got ten hours to enjoy myself and that's what I plan on doing. Wasting no time I take one of the cars I am allowed to drive and head towards the strip.

I love Vegas, especially at night. It's just so damn lively, just wish I could enjoy it. I pull up and park near the Doll House. I heard one of the guys talking about this place. If I remember correctly one of them said that the owner is an associate of Montes

I don't like any of this but if I can get in a place without getting carded I do not mind. Walking up to the front of the club even though it's early I am nervous. I mean I'm not a catch, just a scrawny mixed boy with light Carmel skin. I'm nothing to go home to mama about.

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