Never Say Never- Unhinged

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"Just have sex with him already!" I did and it was great when I was in control. Never thought topping Ryder would feel so great, so powerful, but it did. I loved it! It's just not something I would want to do for the rest of my life. I loved having him inside me. I'm just scared that I might freak out and that's not fair to him. "You talk about it all the time. I mean you have been prepping for it as well."

Not all the time, and it's not bad to prepare myself for when I was actually ready. You're one to talk! I know what happened between you and River has you rattled but there is more to it. But that is another story all in itself and will just have to wait and see how that one plays out.

"I know." Standing up I lean down and give her a kiss on her head. "I'm going to go have sex!"

"Good for you! Have lots of fun!" She smirks at me, but it becomes a scowl when I hear my Godson.

"Ses, ses, ses!"

"Josh!" Oh shit!

"Love you, bestie! Bye."

Rushing out of there as fast as I can before she has my balls on a silver platter. Bestie or not she is going to kill me if JT keeps saying that. 'Your future hubby is calling you.' ringtone blasts through my Bluetooth.

"My light." My heart beats faster from the softness in his voice.

"Cowboy." I breathlessly say. How this man always can make me feel this way is beyond me. It's been like since I first laid eyes on him.

"Are you okay?" The concern in his voice is endearing but also frustrating. I want to not be treated like broken glass and sometimes it feels like that.

"Yes, I am." I will be when you fuck me like you used to. "I'm on my way home."

"Okay, I will see you soon. I just got home from training the rookies. I don't know what the hell I was thinking." He growls out and damn it my dick twitches. I whimper as I forgot how much he turns me on.

"I gotta go, love you, bye."

Disconnecting the call, I hurry as fast as I can to get home because I need him. That fear still lingers in the back of my head, but I trust him with all my heart. Five more minutes and I can scale up and down his body. Fuck! Stop it, right now! The moment I get to our house I barely have the car in parked when my door gets ripped open.

"What the fuck, Josh?"

Hot damn! Has he always been this hot or am I just that horny and desperate for him right now? Wasting no time, I get out of the car and jump in his arms.

"Love me always."

"Why wouldn't I?" The confusion on his face makes me want to cry. Slamming my door shut he carries me into the house. "Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yes, just love me always." I kiss him hard and feel his arms tighten around me as the door slams shut behind us. "I need you." I pant out. I'm so worked up I think I might explode right now.

"I always need you."

I shake my head and laugh because he is not understanding me.

"No, you idiot." I smile at him as he growls at me. Oh fuck! "I need you inside me, I want you inside me. I want you embedded into my skin, into my soul, into every part of me."

"Are you sure?"


His lips are on mine instantly and it knocks the wind out of me. I pull on his shirt desperate to feel his skin.

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