Change of Heart- Take It!

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Timeline: Change of Heart - Chapter- We All Have Secrets

This is right after Brayden left with Adam as Adam saw Jaxon getting pinned up against the wall. Neither of the boys saw what was coming next since they already left. Good thing for them though 😏😂


I always thought Lucas looked good down on his knees. but damn just the sight of him like this has my cock leaking profusely. It's been a long time since it's been like this and if he keeps looking at me like that, I will cum right this very moment.

"I'll take whatever punishment you want to give me." Fuck! That does sound intriguing, but I just want to love you. If I was the asshole that I was in college, this would be the best revenge for the times he made me suffer. "I love you Jaxon, so fucking much. I'm so damn sorry."

Words get stuck in my throat as his tongue swirls over the tip of my leaking cock. Slamming my head against the window and savoring the feeling he always ignites in me.


His tongue, his mouth has always drove me insane but when my husband deeps throat me, my knees are ready to buckle.

"Take it, Jaxon. Whatever you want, take it from me."

Don't tempt me.

When he takes me deep into his mouth again, sucking hard on my dick, I nearly lose it. I want this to last but he is not making it easy on me. Yanking his head back so I can think clearly for a moment. It doesn't last long as he grabs my ass and slams my dick in his mouth.


I try to move but he has a death grip on me. Tongue swirling and sucking all at once. My husband is very fucking talented. I would be enjoying this but as I look at him his body is shaking and once again, I yank his head back to release me.

"Jaxon, I need..." Getting down on my knees, pulling him tight against me. Don't do this to yourself, Lucas. "You have to..." Slamming my lips to his because he is punishing himself and I understand, because for six months I have been doing the same damn thing. "I deserve this, Jaxon. I almost let my pride lose everything that I fucking love."

We both did. We lost ourselves and we didn't know how to get back to being us.

"If you want rough sex, I'll give you rough sex, but don't think for one damn minute that I am punishing you! We have done that enough to each other for too long now. "If you want to suck my cock, then go on and suck it. If you want me to fuck your face like a feral animal, I fucking will. Don't think for one fucking second, it's a damn punishment!"

"Then fuck me like an animal, Jax."

His mouth is on mine, hand tugging on my hair diving his tongue deep inside my mouth swiping every crevice with that hot wet muscle. Earning him the deepest growl to ever escape me. Fuck! It's been too damn long since we have craved each other like this. The tear of fabric from his shirt goes unnoticed as are hands explore each other like it's the first damn time all over again.

"You want my cock in your mouth baby?" Nibbling on his ear, I can see the goosebumps rising on his skin.

"I want everything from you, my cocky son of a bitch."

"Asshole." Oh, how I have missed that smirk of his. Standing up grabbing a hold of my extremely hard dick I tug on it a few times before bringing the tip to his lips. "You want this." He parts his lips, but I dick slap his mouth with it. "Did I say you can have it yet?"

"And I'm the fucking asshole."

Laughing feels so damn foreign but good.

"Come suck daddy's cock."

"Fuck you mmpfh"

Slamming my cock inside his mouth I do not let him say another damn word as I pound into that beautiful mouth of his and greedily takes it all.

"You feel so fucking good sucking my cock." It's better than I remember. "Take all of it baby, like the good boy you are." That earns me a glare, so I pull almost all the way out before slamming back into him. "You wanted my cock remember so you are going to have to put up with whatever the fuck I say, so take it!" Holding his head to my pelvis and just savoring this. "I'm going to fuck this beautiful mouth so good."

His moans send vibrations throughout my body. Yanking his head off my cock so I do don't explode this instant gives me a moment to collect myself. Hazel versus blue eyes stare into each other's souls. He's mine always and I will be damned if this shit happens again!

"I love you, asshole."

"I love you, my cocky son of a bitch."

This time he takes my dick in his mouth all the way to the hilt. A volcano of curses leaves my lips as he tries to suck me dry. Nope, he wanted me to be the animal I'm going to be. Yanking his hair again to release the death grip he has on me; I pull out and slam back in.

"This will never happen again." Grabbing the back of his head I thrust faster into his mouth. His hands hold onto my legs. "We work shit out! Do you hear me? You take this cock like it's the last time you will ever get to suck cock. Because I swear to God and all that's holy, it will be the last time ever! I will not go through that shit again!" Okay, so maybe my emotions are getting the best of me, but fuck!

Maybe this wasn't the best time to do this shit. Maybe we should have waited a little bit longer, after we talked some more. Damn it! This feels so good though, even if I am all over the place.

"Jaxon." When the hell did I stop fucking his mouth? "I'm sorry. I know you have said it to me, but not once did I say it you. I'm so fucking sorry." I get yanked down and pushed to the ground with my gorgeous but pain in the ass husband climbs on top of me. "I meant what I said, I will grovel at your feet for the rest of my life, if I have to. You're the better half of me." Damn right I am. "Don't get cocky on me now."

"I'm full on cocky." Looking towards my dick that is still rock hard. Trying to make light of the situation that we are in.

"I fucking love you. There are many things we need to rectify."

"I'm already erect enough don't you think." You know you love my cheesiness.

"Shut up!" I love his laugh and I have missed it so much. "I've missed you."

"I was lost without you." Shit! Oh, fuck that feels good. So, engrossed in talking I didn't realize he was lowering himself onto my dick. "Babe, you haven't been prepped." But please don't stop!

"What do you think I was doing as you were trying to pound your dick further down my throat." Just keep sucking my dick into your tight hole. "We've been through so damn much." That we have.

Not saying anything grabbing the back of his neck to bring his lips to mine. Our bodies move to a slower rhythm, and we savor each other just like when we were discovering our attraction for one another.

"You're mine always, Lucas."

"Always. We'll get through it all. I know that now." Thrusting up into him makes beautiful noises escape his lips that I claim hungrily. "More Jaxon." I'll give you everything, just don't ever fucking leave me. "I won't, I'm here always." Did I say that out loud? Who fucking cares anymore. Just keep riding me.

When I can't take it anymore, I spill my seed into his warm cavern.

"Why didn't you cum?" Do not give me that devilish smirk.

"Because now it's my turn." My asshole flutters in anticipation. Only he could do this to me. "I have been waiting to be buried inside you."

"Take it!"

"I plan on it, and I hope you don't plan on speaking for the next couple of days." What the fuck is he talking about? "I will make you scream so much that it will vibrate and echo throughout the whole house. Your voice will be so raw you think I fucked your throat for days."

Well damn!

"Fuck it! Bring it on baby!"

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