Never Say Never - The Wedding

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Timeline: Never Say Never- After Epilogue

                                                                               J O S H

"Cowboy." This man is going to be the death of me. I swear!

"Not yet. I'm not done." Oh, trust me I am not complaining one bit. This man has made me laugh, cry and fear for his life, but I would not trade any of it. "My light." My heart melts every time he calls me that. We have been through so damn much together. Now he is my fiancé! "I love you."

"I love you!!!" I cry out as he slams back into me. "Fuck!" We never made it out of the club the moment he sang his heart out and put that ring on my finger. "My soon to be husband." He growls out loud and slams back into me. "Oh God!" 

We danced, we laughed but could not keep our hands off of each other. Now we are in a private room that Jaxon so happened to slip us the key to. I have to thank him later. My Alpha. My King. My fucking everything has the stamina of a fucking animal! 

"So tight. So, fucking good!" He grunts and pants as he slams into me harder. "Mine, all fucking mine!" I love possessive Ryder, especially when he fucks me.

"We are missing out." The proposal became an engagement party according to the girls since pretty much everyone we care about is here.

"The hell we are!" He kisses me that it knocks the breath out of my lungs. Flipping us over so I'm on top. "Ride me baby."

"My pleasure." He kisses me again, but I slow my pace as his kisses are soft and makes my heart soar. "Fuck! I love you so much." Tears build in my eyes when I see the ring on my finger. "So, so fucking much." 

Holding him tighter, our eyes connect. My forever staring right back at me.

"Fuck, Josh. You're my everything."

Nothing else fucking matters. Forget the party. Forget everything else. He is what matters to me. Wiping the tears from his eyes, my lips are on his again. Can we stay like this forever? Molded as one. We lost so much time, and I don't ever want to lose anymore ever again.

"Marry me now!" I beg and he thrusts up into me harder. The pleasure fills my whole body. My soul. He is who has mended me and put me back together even when I thought I was so broken. "I don't want to wait." I can't. I need to be his forever right fucking now!

"You deserve everything."

"I have everything. I have you." 

Flipping me over he pulls out and slams back into me.

"RYDER!!!" Again. He does it again and again and again.

"You've got be fucking kidding me!" 

"Oh, don't stop on our account."

Did we forget to lock the door?

"Spitfire, it is not the time."

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" Damn he is sexy. Biting my lip to suppress a moan the idiot winks at me as I feel him twitch inside me. Shit! He's getting harder.


"If you don't leave you will be sorry." Definitely sexy and turns me on even more. When I hear the door slam shut, he smirks down at me. "Where were we?" He pulls out and slams back into me. My screams become louder I am sure I can be heard over the bass of music thumping outside these walls. "Ah, yes right there."

"Ughnnmpfh!"Incoherent words spill from my mouth. I swear he is tearing me into two. Do I fucking care? Hell no! I will enjoy it every fucking second. Even if I can never walk again. It's well worth it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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