IJH - I Will Take it All

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A/N: So I have had many requests of Sheila's POV from Kayla's funeral. What was going through her mind at that time? I know in this book many are not a fan of hers. Honestly neither am I when I first started writing her character. But as time passes we come to realize it is not all on her. So this is some insight to her thoughts on everything. I hope you enjoy.

IJH- Chapter - She's Really Gone

                 S H E I L A

I want to yell, I want to scream and cry, but most of all I want to kill this bastard! Hasn't he hurt my family enough, and now he makes me a bitch in their eyes

I fucking hate him!

As my mind swirls with coherent thoughts for the time being. That is before he drugs me up again, I can think clearly now. Let me tell you the pain is insufferable. My baby girl is dead just like...I shake my head I cannot allow myself to think of that pain again.

God she must hate me, I know Lucas does but I did it all to protect them from this monster. If I didn't do as he said he would not hesitate to hurt them so I am the obedient lapdog he wants. Until he finally gets his hands on my family's fortune than we are all disposable.

I have to prolong that as long as I possibly can. Otherwise we are all good as dead

Tears run down my face as I put on my black dress. My hands shake so badly because I shouldn't have to be saying goodbye to her. He should be buried six feet under instead.

"You are going to do as I say once we get there."

I don't say a word, I bend down and I fasten the strap on my heels. He pulls on my hair roughly as my neck bends at awkward position to look up at him.

"Just as we rehearsed. Right dear?"

When I still don't answer him he pulls tighter and I cry out. "Yes!" He lets go of my hair and pats me on the head. "Don't make me do something you will regret later wife of mine." With that he walks out of the room and I rush to the bathroom. Once there I bend down and release all the contents in my stomach.

I need to summon up the courage to find a way and kill this man.

"Let's go Sheila. We don't want to be late."

I brush my teeth, straighten my hair out, and walk out to meet the monster that has kept me captive for years. People will never see it like that because he is a damn good actor. Loving husband, devoted father in front of people. Behind closed doors that is a whole different story.

Once I am by his side he grabs my wrist tightly to point if he twist to a certain degree it will snap. "Remember, or else." His hand balls into a fist and knocks the wind out of me when it collides with my stomach.

"I remember." I gasp out as he grabs my hand and we make it towards his SUV. When he practically shoves me inside and shuts the door I take a small breath. This is the longest he has kept me sober in a long time.

Once he is inside and starts the engine he looks at me with disgust. Don't worry shit face the feeling is mutual. I would spit in his face and run if it wasn't for Lucas. Because he would go after him and I will not let him suffer anymore from this man. I will take it all if I have to... just so he is safe.

"Do not fuck this up! I need you lucid for this, but I will not hesitate." He pulls out a syringe and I recoil from him. "It will be a stronger dose than the last time." I shudder at the thought. I know one of these days I will probably overdose from it all, but not before he dies. That is a promise.

"I'll behave."

With that he takes off and I will myself not to cry. I will wait to do that when I am alone. Right now I will get to say a silent goodbye to my daughter and see my son. Even if he wants nothing to do with me.

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