The Meeting Day: Part 2

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Lauren's POV: I couldn't believe that Jose was right in front of me. He was the first one to talk. "H-Hey." He said shyly. Oh he was so cute. I was super nervous but I put on my confident smile and said, "Hi! I'm Lauren." I tried to talk like I wasn't nervous, but I wasn't sure how well I did. I just had butterflies in my stomach just saying those few words to him. And then he spoke again. "Yeah.. I know. I've seen your Instagram." I felt a little bit self conscious but giggled anyways. "I've also seen yours." I said, smirking a little. It seems like he felt a little better and a lot less nervous. "Oh have you?" He questioned, smirking back at me. "Yup!" I said. I felt a lot better after talking to him for a minute. He made me feel happy and safe in a way not a lot of people have in my life. I liked him a lot.
*1 hour later*
Lauren's POV: Gym class. Finally the end of the day. I walked into the huge gym. Since there were only a couple minutes until the class started, people were scattered around the room talking to their friends. Immediately I spotted Jose. He was in the corner talking with a couple boys including Noah. Since I knew Noah and was pretty good friends with him, and Emily wasn't in class yet, I decided that it wouldn't be that weird to walk over there and talk for a bit. As I was walking over to them, Noah spotted me coming and tapped Jose on the shoulder. He said something to Jose and then pointed back at me. Jose turned and looked at me, our eyes locked. His cheeks turned bright red and he turned back. I got to their group. "Hey!" I said to them with a nice smile. Jose looked at me. "Hi." He replied smiling back at me. "So," I said trying to get a conversation going. "How was everybody's first day?" Everyone replied with almost the exact same answer. "It was ok you know, the usual." But Jose's answer was different. "My day was great!" He smiled. "I made new friends and..." He hesitated. "And I, also met you, Lauren." We both blushed and smiled. He was so cute I couldn't stand it. The way he got so nervous when he talked to me. "Well, my day was pretty great too!" I started. " I hung out with old friends and... I met you Jose." Our cheeks turned red and our big grins turned into shy ones. Just then we heard the screech of Mr. J's whistle and gym class started. Of course I didn't pay attention to anything he said during our time there. I was thinking about Jose. From time to time I would catch him staring at me or he would catch me doing the same to him. Then, after what felt like hours, the bell rung and it was time to go home. I quickly ran to the girls locker room, eager to get home from the long day. I showered and changed and ran out the door to the hallway. I was checking my Instagram as I was walking through the hallway with my backpack slung on one shoulder and, being the clumsy person that I am, I wasn't paying attention and I bumped right into Jose. My phone and backpack fell to the ground. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy I'm sorry." I apologized. "Aw don't be sorry Lauren. It happens to me all the time." He laughed with a goofy smile. I picked up my backpack and slung it on my shoulder again. Then I reached for my phone. At the same time Jose was. Our hands touched. Just for a couple seconds. I felt a rush shoot through my body. "I'm so sorry." I said. "I didn't mean to." "Oh that's ok... I don't mind." Jose said. "I don't either." I said with a sheepish smile. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." I said breaking the silence. "Yeah. See ya!" He smiled a goofy smile.
*later that night*
Lauren's POV: It was 11 o'clock and I was tired. I showered quickly, brushed my teeth and washed my face, got in a big old t-shirt and some underwear, and climbed into bed. I thought about Jose. About how amazing and funny and sweet he was to me. About what he said about meeting me today. He was so cute. Did I love him? I thought about this question for about an hour till I made my decision. I love him. Yet I barely know him.

Jose's POV: Yes! Gym class! I love gym and it's also the end of the school day. Today was a great day I thought. I made some new friends and I met Lauren. Oh Lauren. She was so beautiful, inside and out. I walked into the gym pretty early and found Noah and some other friends I had met during the day. We chatted for a little bit. "So Jose, any girls you see?" Noah asked me. "Yeah." I told him. "There's this one girl. Lauren. I met her at lunch today. She's so beautiful man. And funny. And nice. I like her a lot dude." I finished. Noah tapped me on the shoulder. "Look bro." He said. "It's Lauren. She's coming over here." I looked back and there she was. Looking cute as ever in her gym clothes and smiling her stunning smile. She looked at me. I looked back. I could feel the blood rushing into my cheeks and the sheepish grin slide onto my face as I did. I turned back to my group. In a matter of a couple seconds, she was over at our group. "Hey!" She said to everyone with a smile. "Hi." I replied back. "So." She said. "How was everybody's first day? Almost everybody answered the same way. "It was ok. You know, the usual school day" But I had a different answer planned. "My day was great!" I told her with a smile. "I made you friends and..." I hesitated, not sure if I should say it. "... And I met you Lauren." I said with a small grin. We both blushed and smiled a little. She was so adorable when she blushed. "Well my day was pretty great too!" Lauren said. "I hung out with old friends and... I met you Jose." Then Mr. J blew his whistle signaling that the class was starting. I was paying attention during gym class most of the time, but I was thinking about Lauren a lot. The way you could stare into her beautiful eyes for hours and never get bored. I would catch her looking at me from time to time and I would catch her doing the same. She was so cute. The bell rung a couple minutes later. I ran to the boys locker room because I knew that it would be crowded in a matter of seconds. I showered quickly and changed into the clothes that I was wearing before. I walked out of the locker room and started walking the hallway. I was a little bit lost so I was following the map in my hands. All of the sudden someone bumped into me. I tripped and almost fell. I looked up to see who it was. Lauren was right in front of me, staring into my eyes. Her phone clattered onto the floor along with her backpack. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry oh I'm so clumsy I'm sorry." She said to me. "Awe don't be sorry Lauren!" I said cheerfully. "It happens to me all the time!" I said putting on my goofy smile. She picked up her backpack and slung it over one shoulder. Then, I went in to grab her phone for her. She was going in at the same time. Our hands touched for a little more than a second. I felt a rush go through my body. "I'm so sorry." she said. "I didn't mean to." "Oh that's ok..." I told her. "I don't mind." "I don't either." She smiled. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." She said breaking the silence. "Yeah! See ya!" I said back.
*later that night*
Jose's POV: It was about 12:30 and I was getting tired so I did my night routine thing and got into bed. The first and last thing I thought about that night. I remembered how beautiful and amazing she was. I think I loved her. Yup. I definitely was in love with Lauren.

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