Texting for the First Time

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Lauren's POV: After I was done with Jose, I ran to Emily's house which was right around the corner. I didn't bother ringing the doorbell or knocking cause Emily said that I could come right in. I ran up the flight upstairs when I saw Emily's mom. "Hi honey!" She said. "Emily is in her room." "Thanks!" I said as I ran to Emily's room. "Emily Emily Emily!!" I screamed as I barged into her room. She was reading a book on her bed when I walked in. She jumped when I came in. "Jesus you scared me." She said. "But what what what?!?" She yelled. "Jose asked me out and told me he loved me!!" I told her with a huge smile on my face. "Oh my god!" She said. "That's amazing! Dude I'm so happy for you!" She smiled. "Tell me everything." I sat on her bed and told her the whole story of what happened. "So, do you wanna come?" I asked her. "I would love to come..." She started. "But I don't wanna ruin your first date with Jose." "Oh Emily! You're not gonna ruin it! I really want you to come." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yes! 100%!" I said. "It'll be so fun! Please come." I begged. "Okay. Fine." She said trying to hide her smile. "Great!" I exclaimed. "I'll text you later with the details." We both giggled a little bit and I hugged her. We hung out for a bit and then I went home. I went to my room to do my homework. I hate homework. I was an okay student. I did my homework, turned in almost everything on time, and got pretty good grades. So I guess that's pretty good. After I finished, I was really bored and didn't know what to do. So I thought that I would text Jose.

Me: Hey. It's Lauren :))

Jose: Hey beautiful :) How are you?

I smiled.

Me: Better now 😊 how are you babe?

Jose: I'm great! I'm texting my beautiful, amazing girlfriend that I love! :)

Me: Awe omg Jose stop it you're making me blush 😊

Jose: That's a good thing. Isn't it?

Me: Yeah I guess haha

Jose: So, did you ask Emily is she wanted to come?

Me: Yeah! She said that she would love to come!

Jose: That's great! You wanna go tomorrow night? I can walk to y'all's houses at maybe... 5:30? We can walk to go get dinner and then we'll walk to the fair. I wanna get to know both of you more. Emily seems really cool :)

Me: Awe Jose you don't have to take us to dinner!

Jose: But I want to! You're my new girlfriend and I want to take my new best buds out to dinner! 💗

Me: Awe you're so sweet :)) thank you so much ❤️

Jose: No problem my love.

Me: ☺️☺️

Jose: 😊😊

Jose: I love you

Me:  I love you too

Jose: I can't wait to spend all year with you

Me: I can't wait to spend all year with YOU

Jose: you're so cute :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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