I Love You

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Lauren's POV: The last couple periods couldn't have gone any faster. I was so nervous to tell Jose. But I knew that I had to tell him because what if he loved me back? What if he loved me back and I didn't tell him? So I thought that I would have to tell him my feelings. After what felt like seconds, last period was over. And it was time to tell him. Emily knew all about my plan so she shot me a look as we were coming out of class. She smirked at me and walked out of the doors. I was gonna meet her at her house after I was done talking to Jose and tell her what happened. I saw him come out of a class. He saw me too. "Hey." He said a little shaky. "Hey." I replied quietly. "Umm... can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. "Privately." He added. "Oh. Um yeah." I said, a little confused. Questions started to run around in my head about what he was gonna say. To be honest I was a little scared and confused. I didn't know what he was gonna say. He started walking so I followed him. He walked all the way to the band hallway where no one was. Soft music was playing from the band room. He started. "So um. I have something to tell you." He told me nervously. "I do too." I said shaking. He laughed a little. "You first." I said with a smile. "No! "You first!" He said back. "No you!" I said. "Ok. Fine." He said. "I'll go first." He started shaking and I saw the bumps rise on his arms. "So." He said. "The past couple days with you have been amazing." He said. I was confused and to be honest a little scared. I didn't know what was coming. He continued. "It's been really cool getting to know you and..." He trailed off. "And you're just absolutely amazing. Everything about you is pure beauty. Your personality, your eyes, your smile. You're funny and stunning and so sweet and I'm so so soooo lucky to have met you Miss Lauren Rene Allen. The moment I first saw you and knew that you were sent to me by angels or something." We both let out quick nervous laughs. I didn't have time to think. "But there's one more thing."  He closed his eyes, and breathed out. "And... I - I - I think that I... love you." He said that last part quietly. He smiled a little bit and turned red as a tomato. My heart was racing as I smiled big. "R-Really?" I asked. "Cause that's exactly what I was gonna say. I love you." He smiled and looked down at the floor. "You're hot." I said with a smirk. "Oh am a really?" He said smirking back. "Yeah definitely." I laughed. "No but really, you're so beautiful inside and out and I'm so lucky to have met you. I love you Jose." "I love you Lauren." He leaned in. Then I leaned in. The soft music played in the band room as we kissed. I put my arms around his shoulders and I felt him sneak his hands onto my waist. I smiled as I kissed him. He did too. After a couple seconds, we both pulled away at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled a little bit. There was a second of silence until he spoke up. "So." He said, grabbing my hands. "The fair is in town this weekend." I nodded yes. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Emily can come and we can walk there cause it's pretty close. Wanna go?" He asked. "Jose Romero. Are you asking me on a date?" I asked with a small smirk. He put on a country accent and said, "Why yes, mam I am. Would you like to come with me?" I laughed at his fake accent and said with a smile, "Yes of course, I would love to. And I'll text Emily tonight and ask her if she wants to come." "Great!" He exclaimed, smiling back at me. He handed me a folded up post-it note. "Here's my number." He said. "Cause I guess you're my girlfriend now." He said laughing a little. "Yeah. I guess you're my boyfriend." I said laughing too. "Well I should get going or my moms gonna get worried." He said. "Yeah my dad will get pissed if I'm late." I told. "Well bye my love!" He said giggling. "Byeee!" I replied with my goofy smile. He kissed me on the forehead, and walked to his car. I smiled, thinking of all the things that Jose said. I was so excited to go to the fair with him.

Jose's POV: Oh I was so nervous to tell Lauren. But I knew that if I really loved her, then I would have to tell her. Last period was over in what felt like two minutes. And it was finally time to tell Lauren. I saw her coming out of class. She looked beautiful as always. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. "Hey." I said, feeling shaky. "Hey." She replied quietly. "Umm... can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. "Privately." I added. "Oh. Um yeah." She said, sounding a little confused. I started walking and she followed me. I wanted to go to the band hallway because I knew that music would be playing from the band room and it would be cute. No one was there so we had some privacy. I could hear the soft music coming from the room. I started. "So um. I have something to tell you." I told her. "I do too." She told. I laughed nervously. "You first." I said with a smile. "No! "You first!" She said back. "No you!" I said. "Ok. Fine." I said. "I'll go first." I'm not sure but I think I started to shake and felt a shiver run through my body. "So." I started. "The past couple days with you have been amazing." I exclaimed. "It's been really cool getting to know you and..." I stopped for a second. My stomach in knots. And everything just came out. "And you're just absolutely amazing. Everything about you is pure beauty. Your personality, your eyes, your smile. You're funny and stunning and so sweet and I, I'm just so lucky to have met you. The moment I saw you I knew that you were sent to me by angels or something." We both laughed nervously. "But there's one more thing." I closed my eyes for a second, and breathed out. "And... I - I - I think that I... love you." I said that last part quickly and quietly. I smiled a little and felt blood rush to my cheeks. Now it was time for the response. This was what I was most nervous about. "R-Really?" She asked. "Cause that's exactly what I was gonna say. I love you." I smiled and looked down at the floor. I felt a huge weight just fly off of my shoulders. "You're hot." She said with a smirk. "Oh am a really?" I asked playfully, smirking back. "Yeah definitely." She laughed. "No but really, you're so beautiful inside and out and I'm so lucky to have met you. I love you Jose." "I love you Lauren." I didn't know what to do so, I leaned in. Then she leaned in, and we kissed. The soft music played in the band room. She put her arms around my shoulders and I snuck my hands onto her waist. I smiled as I kissed her. She did too. After a couple seconds, we both pulled away at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled a little bit. There was a second of silence until I spoke up. "So." I said, grabbing my new girlfriends hands. "The fair is in town this weekend." She nodded her head up and down. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? Emily can come and we can walk there cause it's pretty close. Wanna go?" I asked. "Jose Romero. Are you asking me on a date?" She asked with a small smirk. I put on my country accent and said, "Why yes, mam I am. Would you like to come with me?" She laughed. Probably at my fake accent. But she replied with a simple. "Yes of course, I would love to. And I'll text Emily tonight and ask her if she wants to come." "Great!" I exclaimed, smiling back at her. I had written my number on a sticky note to give to Lauren.  I handed it to her. "Here's my number." I said. "Cause I guess you're my girlfriend now." "Yeah. I guess you're my boyfriend." She said to me. "Well I should get going or my moms gonna get worried." I said. "Yeah my dad will get pissed if I'm late." She told. "Well bye my love!" I said giggling. "Byeee!" She replied holding out the last part. I kissed her on the forehead, and walked to my car.

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