Better Aquaintances

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~August (aw·gust)~

After maybe 30 minutes, we pulled up into a secluded area. I was getting more and more frustrated by the second, but I figured, showing my ass in the middle of nowhere with two people I barely knew, would only result in something bad.

I sighed, looking out the window as the car came to a slow stop. I couldn't help but be confused as my eyes landed on a old abandoned building.

I guess it shouldn't have really came as a shock that we weren't going to a real and professional shooting range, with people who actually had the right to hold and shoot a gun. This place was actually giving me the jitters, and although it couldn't have been later than 1pm, the high trees gave the place plenty of unnecessary shade, so that it was dark.

I rubbed my hand over my hair, contemplating on staying in the car or not. I could honestly tell that getting used to all of this, and breaking out of old habits was going to be harder than expected. It was clear, that I had become accustomed to the good life where hustle was not encouraged, where you never seen people without their suits and ties. I was accustomed to my peers never having to lift a finger, and calling on daddy to pay for everything. Basically, I was turning into something I wasn't. No matter what my actions may say, I am greatly appreciative for the gentle, well not so gentle snap in the face, pulling me back into reality. Lord knows I could never be accepted into a community such as the one I was previously in. 'Why would I throw away my good life' you ask, well all the glitters ain't gold and there was only a matter of time before everything I worked so hard to be, came crashing down.

With this, it wasn't so hard to be myself. I just needed a little time, to unmold the perfectionist I tried so hard to become. "Are you going to get out the fucking car??" A harsh knock on the window, cause me to jump back. I noticed that both Ty and Laloni were both out of the car and waiting for me to join them.

I quickly unsnapped my seatbelt, and opened the door, embarrassed.

"Now had you even scoffed my shit, we would've been fighting." They walked maybe two feet ahead of me, pushing eachother back and forth on the concrete path. "Whatever Trav, you wouldn't and couldn't even hurt a fly." He chuckled, his turn to push her. "Yeah, that's because a fly can't break my damn windows with hot ass dragon breath." A small laugh escaped my lips, causing Laloni to turn to me with a mug. "And what the fuck is so funny?"

I couldn't lie, her newly found attitude was unbearable and irritating. She was fine at the party, so why so hostile now? Hm. Maybe she didn't change, only I hadn't known her. I smirked, remembering the first time I laid eyes on her. Even though we hadn't actually made conversation, I could tell that she didn't like my ass by the way she narrowed her eyes at me.

I figured it was just her way of flirting, I was obviously wrong. "You need to chill out, cause when he go ape shit on yo ass, I'm not gone say nothing but 'whoop that trick, get emm'." He pumped his fist up and down, with a smile. They acted just like brother and sister, I bet blood couldn't make them any closer. "He ain't gone whoop shit, stop wishing death on people, baby dick." He placed a hand on his heart, faking hurt, as she did a weird knock on the door. The conversation ended, once the door cracked open, revealing a skinny guy with dreads that he wore in a bun. "If it ain't my favorite dynamite twins!" He pulled them both into a hug. "Man nip that gay shit in the bud." He let us walk into the building, and it was exactly how I imagined it to be. There was no furniture, dirty hardwood floors, and dingy tan walls. The smell of mice made me want to throw up. "What's poppin' homie, I heard you was new. I'm Leon." He extended his hand, and I accepted, as he pulled me into a bro hug. "What's good, I'm Augu-, I mean Yung."

I could see Laloni rolling her eyes from my peripheral. I ignored her, walking side by side with Ty as Leon lead the way. We kept straight ahead, until we got to a stone brick wall. He knocked the wall down, then up, stopping at one in the middle.

The brick came out, and scanned his eyes. Was all this really necessary? We could've went to a real gun range and saved us all the trouble. I piped down, once the wall finally moved to the side, revealing a large room. My eyes widened, taking in everything. The targets that were originally still, started to rotate around the corners of the room. I looked around, my eyes landing on a glass case, filled with guns varying from different sizes and colors. Next to the shelf was a table that had the accessories on it.

"Yung, you ever shot a gun before?" The question was coming from Ty, but I couldn't respond because I was too busy eavesdropping on Laloni's conversation with Leon. I could barely hear them, but from what I did hear, she was being her normal mean self. "So why you never called me?" It was a pause. "Because you were just a one night stand, and I told you that." You could hear the annoyance in her voice. "You did, but I know you say alot of things you don't mean, and I know I was the best you ever had." She chuckled. "Oh please, you wish you could come close to it, besides-," "Yung, you listening nigga? I said have you ever shot a gun before." I snapped out of their conversation, although I was very much interested in what I heard. "Yeah man, but it was a while ago." He nodded. "Alright I have the perfect gun for you. Here." He handed me a pair of ear plugs, and motioned for me to follow him.

We stopped in front of the glass case, and he grabbed one from the top row. He handed it to me, cautiously. "This here is a Mac 10 sub-machine gun. They're homeade from Leon himself. It can fire about 600 rounds a minute." I nodded, looking it over. It had a little weight to it.

~Laloni (lay·lon·é)~

I stayed in the corner by myself, not really wanting to be here. Leon always made the trip here for me so awkward. Things used to be cool, little flirting here and there, but I guess lust came in-between our small friendship, and it was a night that I thought we had both regretted and sworn to never bring up. Sure the sex was good, but I feel like he wants more, and at this point in my life I'm just not ready to commit to anyone. I couldn't do that to myself or to them. I looked down at my fingernails, feeling guilty. I wasn't a mean or bad person at all, it's just my situation.

I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up, seeing Leon. "Aye, look you came here to shoot, so lets shoot." He gave a small smile, extending his hand for me to take. "Oh no no no," I laughed. "I don't do guns, that's not in my job description." I was so serious. Guns literally scared me. They were so loud and powerful, and if it weren't for this sound proof booth, I wouldn't even be able to hear my thoughts. He made a face. "What you mean you don't do guns? What happens when Travis not around to save you?" My mind immediately went back to the day I thought I was dead. Maybe a little self defense mechanism wouldn't hurt. I placed a hand on my chin. "So is that a yes?" He looked hopeful. I smiled.

"I mean, I don't know what to do, I don't even know guns." He nodded. "I gotchu, follow me." On the way out of the booth, he grabbed a pair of ear plugs, handing them to me. I took them, placing them around my neck as we approached the gun case. He scanned the self's one by one, until his eyes landed. "I have the perfect one." He reached up, grabbing a colored gun. It was cute. He held it in front of me, twirling so I could see it. The top was black and the bottom half was a pink pastel color. "Okay, this is a G42, or better known as glock 42," I pursed my lips into a straight line. "Now, it's not the greatest, but it'll get the job done well enough since you're just a girl. It's remarkably comfortable to hold and won't bruise your palm at the range." He placed it in my hands, slowly. I honestly just wanted to drop it, but I composed myself. "Hm, okay. It's cute." He chuckled. "Cute?" I nodded, in a duh kinda way. He shook his head, motioning for me to follow him. We went all the way to the opposite side of August and Travis, where the targets weren't moving. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest. I never pictured myself holding a gun. "Okay, the gun shots will be loud, so you'll have to put these on." He was almost yelling over the other gunshots. I nodded. "Okay, now put the gun in the hand that you write with, while your other hand rests near the clip, so you're using both hands," I did what he said. "Let it become an extension to your arm and hand, like this." He stood closely behind me, placing his hands over mine. I could barely think straight with his dick pressed up against my butt like this. I let out a breath, trying to concentrate. "Okay, make sure you're gripping the gun tightly, because it affects your aim, your balance, and your ability to work the hammer." I nodded, showing that I heard him. "You ready?" My heart beat accelerated more, as I tried my hardest to concentrate on the target ahead. I nodded once again. "Shoot."

I pushed down on the trigger, slightly jerking back onto Leon from the pressure. I missed. With a pout, I turned around to face him. "It's okay, it's just practice. Focus Lay! Turn around and do it again."

Leon- 20 August- 21 Left, right

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